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2013年杭二模 bitter process enthusiastic acknowledge automatically 希望;前途 有效果的 仔细想;反省 与……成对比 说明;对……负责 苦的 过程;加工;审阅 有激情的;狂热的 承认;认同 自动地 promise effective reflect on in contrast to account for readily expand statistic panic applaud 有挑战的 毁坏 废物回收工程 提升;促进 事业 乐意地;容易地 扩张 数据 恐慌 鼓掌 challenging spoil waste recycling project promote career I mean it. the turning point apologize for It’s hardly your fault. one split second to check a text message take your advice his friends desert him a bitter pill to swallow a bitter pill our waste recycling project involve a lot of investigations join a list of early promise grownups to have challenging conversations with later this month recover from the panic stage a concert applaud ; appreciating volunteer to do give out food and water for the victim the candidates get their university admissions to process all the applications watch a 90 minutes’ boring match promote the new digital camera reflect on its original marketing methods apply for a job the majority of this year’s graduates statistic indicate that… enthusiastic shopper contribute to four-fifths of annual online shopping sales readily acknowledge the fact that… her unbalanced diet a major influence on her expanding figure the electric dryer After you. → 2、解意(theme)-----to the point 1、描图 Describe the picture 没有文字的图片可以如何解意? 两只老鼠; 贫富差距; 互帮互助…… → 知足常乐,不要贪婪; 福祸相依,居安思危; 三思而后行,要有远见…… 加上文字说明,又该如何解意? 注意: (如果有文字说明)文字说明部分往往含有重要信息(clues),切记要认真阅读!!! → 2、解意(theme)-----to the point 1、描图 Describe the picture 3. Analysis (联系实际分析) ( facts / reasons/ results…) 从中学生的角度谈谈你的看法。 评分标准: 内容 --- 是否正确(偏题)完整(三部分) 语言 --- 是否使用了较高级词汇和语法结构 连贯 --- 是否有效使用了语句的连接成分 As is shown in the above picture, the moment the mouse gets into the huge container full of food, it starts to enjoy the crops busily, totally ignoring the potential danger. After it consumes the last grain of crop, to its horror, it suddenly finds itself trapped in the container. The picture vividly conveys the message that one cann


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