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Brand Management 品牌管理 一、The Meaning and Functions of A Brand 品牌概念及作用 二、Brand Management Strategy 品牌管理战略 三、 Brand Management Process 品牌管理操作流程;一、The Meaning and Functions of A Brand 品牌概念及其作用 The Definition of A Brand 品牌的涵义 The Essence and Functions of A Brand 品牌的本质、作用 3. The Architecture of A Brand 品牌的构成 The Brand Value 品牌资产价值;1.The Definition of A Brand 品牌涵义 ; A brand has been defined differently by people from two different sides: seller side and buyer side;--Seller Side 菲利普.科特勒这样解释品牌: 品牌是一种名称、术语、标记、符号或图案,或是它们的相互组合,用于识别某个消费者或某群消费者的产品或服务,并使之与竞争对手的产品和服务相区别。 "a name, sign or symbol used to identify items or services of the seller(s) and to differentiate them from goods of competitors.“ Signs and symbols are part of what a brand is, but this is a very incomplete definition. ;He said further, 品牌也是公司承诺向它的客户连续提供的一组特定的产品特征、利益与服务的组合。 A brand is a promise or promises that a company makes to provide consistently a combination of specific product features, benefits and services;品牌永远是对价值的承诺 一个商业品牌承诺提供比竞争对手更大的经济价值或更低的总成本 ——IBM是一个基于公司声誉的品牌,它给客户一种信任且没有疑虑的感觉,使客户相信IBM承诺的价值一定能实现。;--Buyer Side "A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer". 品牌是消费者心目中看法的总和 This definition makes it clear that a brand is different from a product . A brand is intangible and exists in the mind of the consumer. ;This definition helps us understand the idea of brand loyalty and the 'loyalty ladder'. Different people have different perceptions of a product , which places them at different points on the loyalty ladder. ;This definition helps us understand how advertising works. Advertising has to sell, and it achieves this by positively influencing people's perceptions of the product . ;A brand is the product of two things: [Prediction of what to expect] x [emotional power of that expectation]. If I encounter a brand and I don't know what it means or does, it has zero power. If I have an exp


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