人教pep版课本三年级起点小学六年级英语下册How tall are you3.ppt

人教pep版课本三年级起点小学六年级英语下册How tall are you3.ppt

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某人多高?How tall be sb.? 他多高? How tall is he? 她多高? 你爸多高? Tom多高? How tall is she? How tall is your father? How tall is Tom? PPT课件 * How tall are you? I am 1.64cm tall. How old are you? I am twelve years old. Do a survey and report. How tall are you? I am … tall. How old are you? I am … years old. PPT课件 * Practice. 1. Wu Yifan is?? ??(年轻) than Mike. 2. Im?? ?(高)than you. 3. Amy is 12. Sarah is 14. Sarah is than Amy. 4. Zhang Peng is 1.64 meters. His brother is 1.62 meters. So Zhang Peng is? (高) than his brother. younger taller older taller PPT课件 * Summary New words and sentences: taller shorter longer older younger How old are you? You’ re older than me. How tall are you? I’m 1.61 meters. PPT课件 * 1 认识比较级。 2 会用所学句子跟别人交流。 PPT课件 * 再 见 How tall are you? A PPT课件 * Revision tall big strong small old thin young heavy short smart fat PPT课件 * I’m 12 years old. I’m 38 years old. PPT课件 * taller shorter PPT课件 * longer shorter PPT课件 * Presentation younger 更年轻的 older 更老的 taller 更高的 Shorter 更矮的 longer 更长的 PPT课件 * Quick mind younger 更年轻的 older 更老的 taller 更高的 Shorter 更矮的 更短的 longer 更长的 PPT课件 * Free talk Who is older? The teacher is older. Who is younger? Sarah is younger. PPT课件 * Free talk Who is taller? Zhang Peng is taller. Who is shorter? John is younger. PPT课件 * Free talk Whose dress is shorter? Amy’s dress is shorter. Whose dress is longer? Chen Jie’s dress is longer. PPT课件 *



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