人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册Whats he like.ppt

人教PEP义务教育版课本三年级起点小学五年级英语上册Whats he like.ppt

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外形特点: He/ She is … (tall/ short/ fat/ thin/ beautiful/ ugly / pretty) 性格特征: He/ She is … (happy/ sad/ friendly/ unfriendly) 五官特征 His/ Her … is/ are … 个人的特长 He/ She can … well. Summary(总结) PPT课件 * 语法 be(am is are)的用法 1. I ___ six years old. 2. She ___ very kind. 3. They ____ helpful. 4. It __ very shy. 5. They ____ strong. am is is are are PPT课件 * 1) I _____ a student. 2) You ____ a teacher. 3)___ she from Jinan? No, she ___. 4) ____ you friends? No, we _____. 5) He _____ in Class 4, Grade 1. am are Is isn’t Are arent is PPT课件 * Homework 写一篇小作文:介绍家人或朋友(my mum/ dad/ friend …), 最少五句通顺的话。 Sample(例) : My teacher I have a good teacher. He is handsome. He is tall and thin. He has big eyes … He is Mr. Wu. He is my Chinese teacher. He can read Chinese well. I like Mr. Wu very much. And I like Chinese, too. PPT课件 * 再 见 PPT课件 * 单词(描述人的外貌和性格特点的) 年老的 年轻的 和蔼的 严格的 滑稽的 有礼貌的 乐于助人的 聪明的 害羞的 勤奋的 old young kind strict funny polite helpful clever shy hard-working PPT课件 * 句型: (1) 询问人 1.你们的数学老师是谁。 是赵老师。 2.那个妇女是谁? 她是我妈妈。 -- Who’s your maths teacher? -- Ms. Zhao. --Who’s that woman? --She is my mother. PPT课件 * (2) 询问人的外貌特征 他长什么样子? 他很高很健壮。 她老吗?不,她很年轻。 他年轻吗?不,他不年轻。 --What’s he like? -- He’s tall and strong. -- Is she very old? --No, she is very young. --Is he young? --No, he isn’t. PPT课件 * Review words: PPT课件 * Who is he? He’s short and … old old. He is … What’s he like? PPT课件 * old young No, Xi Yangyang is young. Is Xi Yangyang old, too? PPT课件 * Look! Who is he? He is Xiao Xin. He’s … What’s he like? very funny. PPT课件 * Look at Father Christmas, what’s he like? He’s … kind. Wow!He is so kind. PPT课件 * He is short. What’s she like? She is tall. What’s he like? PPT课件 * Pair work. A: What’s h



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