初中英语_Unit6 When was it invented教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Unit6 When was it invented教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Unit 6 When was it invented?(1a-2c) 一、教材分析:本课选自初中英语九年级(2013)版。 谈论的话题是有关“发明”的话题。要掌握的结构是被动语态。本课时的教学内容是谈论重要发明的发明时间,发明者和用途。主要是听力与口语相结合的一节听说课,重难点是被动语态句型教学。 教学目标: 知识和技能目标:1)全体学生能正确认读、听懂以下单词heel, scoop, electricity,学会运用invent,invention,inventor,style等词汇。2)学会谈论重要发明的发明时间,发明者和用途。 过程与方法目标:1)能运用所学知识练习被动语态的句式。2)能用所学句型进行交际练习。 3.情感、态度和价值观目标:充满想象力,善于观察事物,面对难题,用积极的态度解决,发挥创造能力,认识世界,改变世界。 三、教学重点:重点掌握下列句型When was/were... invented? Who was it/were they invented by? What is /are ... used for? 四、教学难点:运用被动语态谈论重要发明的时间、发明者和用途。 五、教学步骤:StepI:Greeting T: Good morning ,boys and girls. Nice to meet you .S: Nice to meet you .T: I’m so happy to spend time with you. I hear you are very friendly and smart. Yes?S: Yes!T: I need your help this class. Can you help me? S: Yes, we can .T: Thanks!Can you speak loudly? Can you listen to me carefully? Can you ...?S: Sure. Step II: Leading-inT: Let’s play a guessing game. Guess what it is.S1: It’s a phone.S2: It’s a mobile phone.T: Yes, a clever boy. Look, it’s an phone. When you see the phone, who will it remind you of ?S: Steve Jobs(史蒂夫.保罗.乔布斯)T: Good, so we know Jobs invented phone. We can also say phone was invented by Jobs.When was it invented?S: It was invented in 2007.T: Do you want to have one? It is so popular around the world.S: Yes! T: So phone is one of the great inventions. And Jobs is a great inventor.(with the teacher’s help, students can read and say. They know invent / invention/ inventor, and know passive voice “was invented”) .设计说明:本环节以一个猜谜游戏引入Phone的发明家乔布斯,并以此为切入点,引入本课的话题和重点句型,让学生通过猜、听,说,看的形式,在教师的提示下自我发现并关注目标语言的形式和用法。 Step III: listening(1b) 1. Pre-listeningT: There are many modern inventions. When were they invented?Let’s discuss them.SA: I think the TV was invented before the car.SB: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car. SC: Well, I think the telephone was invented...2. ListeningT: Alice and grandma are talking about the inventions, let’s listen and make sure of them.(listen to the conversation twice and check the answers. _



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