初中英语_Wheres my schoolbag Reading教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Wheres my schoolbag Reading教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Unit4 Section B(2a-2c) Objectives 学生能够运用本课所学词汇tidy, our, but, everywhere, always和语言结构My books and keys are in the bookcase.等,通过brainstorming, skimming, detailed reading, retelling等方式,运用小组合作学习,自主探究等学习策略,完成阅读及写作任务。 Focal objectives Words: tidy, everywhere, but, our, always Main ideas of the passage Difficult point 不同的阅读技巧来理解文章 Teaching procedures Step1 Pre-reading Presentation T:Good morning,boys and girls. How are you? S1: I am fine, thanks. How are you? T: I am OK. Nice to meet you. S2: Nice to meet you, too. T: I am Miss Tan from No. 9 Middle School. I am so happy today because you are very tidy and your classroom is tidy, too. Look at the picture, this is my classroom, my classroom is tidy, too. Please guess what tidy means. Yes, tidy means “整洁的,整齐的” T: Answer my question: Is your classroom tidy? Is your classroom always tidy? OK, so we can say: Our classroom is always tidy.(带读单词tidy, always, our三次) T: How about this picture? Is this room tidy? Ss: No, it is not . T: This room is not tidy. The things are everywhere.( 带读单词everywhere三次) T: How about this room? S: This room is tidy. T: What about that room? S: That room is not tidy. T: We can say: This room is tidy. But that room is not tidy. Can you guess what but means?(带读单词but三次) Brainstorming 出示2a的图片 T: How about this picture. Is this room tidy? What can you see in the picture? Discuss with your groups and then write down the words on your paper. 叫学生朗读单词,检查答案。 Sentences 继续出示2a图片 T: Who can tell me where the CD is? Yes. The CD is on the desk. Where are books? The books are on the bookcase. Please make sentences as many as possible. T: This section is tidy, but this section is not tidy. Is this my room? No. This is Kate and Gina’s room. Please guess: Who is tidy? Kate or Gina? Step2 While-reading 1. Skimming Ss skim 2b in two minutes, then answer the questions:Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?(要求学生回答完问题后要找出原文I’m Kate, I’m tidy, but Gina is not.) 2. Detailed reading Ss read 2b again and finish teaching task 2c. Compl


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