初中英语_8AUnit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_8AUnit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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PAGE 2 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 人教版新目标8A Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-2d Learning goals: After learning this lesson,students are expected to Be able to use love/like/don’t mind/don’t like/can’t stand to talk about their preferences. Be able to use expect/plan/hope to talk about their plans or goals. Be able to choose the right shows in right ways. I. Before-class attempt. Ways to talk about plans to watch TV (谈论看电视计划的方式)How to ask:___________________?How to give reasons (如何给出理由)预习前答:I like_______because______ Ways to talk about plans to watch TV (谈论看电视计划的方式) How to ask:___________________? How to give reasons (如何给出理由) 预习前答: I like_______because______________. I _______because________________. 预习后答: I hope to_________________________ I _______to______________________ You can _______to________________ You can _______to ________________ You can learn ____________________ __________are more ______________ Ways to talk about TV shows (谈论电视节目的方式) How to ask: What ____________________ _______________________? What ____________________ _______________________? How to answer: I_______________it/them. _____________________. __________________. _____________________. __________________. 2. 完成game sheet II. In-class attempt. Listen to a conversation, complete the sentences and practice 1c. (听对话完成句子,并根据听力内容仿照1c两人一组对话) What do you think of _________ ________? I don’t ________ them, but sometimes they can be a bit ___________. Maybe we can watch that new _______ _______ after the _________. I usually _______ _______ talent shows, but this one is ______ _______. 2. Pair work 3. Guessing game. Complete the game sheet and let the other students guess. A: What do I think of talk shows? B. You don’t like them. Listen to 2b and practice 2c. III. Summary. IV. In-class feedback. Role-play. Listen to 2d, and repeat. Practice reading the conversation. Role-play the conversation acco



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