初中英语_七年级下册 Unit4Donteat inclassA(1a教学课件设计.ppt

初中英语_七年级下册 Unit4Donteat inclassA(1a教学课件设计.ppt

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Section A (1a---2d) Step1 Lead in (导入)---( A video(视频) Tell me your feeling----(一句话说说你的感受) (无规矩不成方圆) NO rules ! No games! /ru:l / Library rules Family rules Traffic rules School rules important (重要的) Step2 Bad activities at school (校园不文明行为) What can you see?---(你看到了什么) eat in class eat in the dining hall /daInI? / /h?:l/ Let’s find bad activities at school (深入查看不文明行为) listen to the music in class. run in the hallways / h?:lweI / 8:30 , ... arrive late for class /?raIv/ be on time 8:00 =be late for class 友情提示: 8:00上课 fight /faIt / eat in class listen to the music fight run in the hallways arrive late for school 8:30 , ... Try to be a teacher ------争当小老师(带领大家读读吧) Don’t eat in class. Don’t listen to the music. Don’t fight. Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t arrive late for school. 8:30 , ... school rules Step3 Learn the school rules(认认真真学校规) 1 2 3 4 5 What rules are they breaking? (火眼金睛查违规) 2 3 4 5 What rules are Peter, Amy, and Mike breaking? Name Peter Amy Mike Rule 1b 1 2 3 4 5 SCHOOL RULES 1. Don’t arrive late for class. 2. Don’t run in the hallways. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom. 4. Don’t listen to music in the classroom. 5. Don’t fight. 2 3 4 2a----Listen--Check activities they talk about. Activities (行为) 1.___ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways can can’t 2.___ listen to music in the music room can can’t 3.___ listen to music outside can can’t 4.___ eat in the classroom can can’t 5.___ eat in the dining hall can can’t 6.___ eat outside can can’t 7.___ wear a hat can can’t 8.___ fight can can’t 2b Listen again---Circle what they can or can’t. Step5: Find out our school rules Stick can or can’t on the blackboard Can eat in the dining hall 小小张贴家-------(你能把答案贴在相应的部位吗) listen to music outside listen to music in the music room eat in the classroom Can’t wear a hat fight listen to music in the classroom eat in the classroo



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