2012热点 书面表达学雷锋.docxVIP

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关于学雷锋主题 美国朋友来中国旅游时,经常看到一个士兵的图像和字样,如衬衫上、茶杯上、公交车上,一次在旅游点看到一些年轻人也穿着该士兵图像的衬衫在清理垃圾。他不解。请你是李越,给他写封回信解释。 Dear David, I am writing you to answer your question about Lei Feng. He is a cultural icon in China representing earnestness and service. His name is used in daily speech and his imagery can be found on T-shirts ,bags and son on .Lei Feng was born in Hunan in 1940 and sadly died in the line of duty at the very young age of just 22. Despite his short life, he will forever be remembered for his selflessness, kindness as well as modesty. March 5th has become the official day in honor of Lei Feng. This day involves various community and school events where people go to clean up parks, schools, and other community locations. Lei Feng’s spirit teaches us that we should constantly strive for self-improvement and be willing to make sacrifices for a just cause. We should always try to match words with deeds and enthusiastically carry out our duties. As far as I am concerned, these values are well worth fighting for. I hope this letter can be of some help to you. Yours sincerely, Li Yue icon偶像 earnestness认真;诚挚 make sacrifices牺牲 strive for努力,苦干,奋斗 a just cause正义的事业 write somebody :Write me while youre away.(美国英语) ? 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



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