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小学老师英语演讲稿 小学教师师德英语演讲稿 侯玉洁 Thepeopleasateacher, loftenaskmyselfthequestion:doag oodteacher, shouldhavethemostimportantrequirements?A rebeautifullanguage?Areabroadrangeofknowledge?Orari chteachingexperience?Inprac tice,thepr ocesslfoun d:Asagoodt eachermust notonlyhav ethepeople fluentinth elanguageo fthebeauti ful,extens iveknowled ge,richexp erienceint ea.ching, th emostimpor tantthingi stohavelov e. Teache rsareteach ingthestud entslovean dselflessl ove, whichi sthecoreof morality, i tistheflam ingtorch, i gnitedthed reamsofstu dents;itis aguidingli ghttoillum ina. tet hewa ystudentsm oveforward . Mr. Luha stosay:〃Ed ucationisr ootedinthe loveof/zLov eisthesour ceofeducat ion,teache rswithlove ,onlywithh orseswitht hevisionto discoverst udentsfort heireducat ionwithcon fidenceand loveobject willhaveto strivefore xcellencea ndinnovati vespirit. N a.ti on 且 lmod elworkers, BeijingNor malUnivers ityProfess orLinChong dethink, ovetheirch ildrenarei nstinctive , andloveot herpeople,schildrena resacred!z/ Teacherslo vethestude nts, inesse nceisakind ofpaydonot talkabout, selflessno bloodoflov e, aloveofp haserelief ? Suchsacre dloveisext remelypure ? Thisholyl oveisthete acherLeeYu k~ pui, thef eel ingsofp eachfounda tion, stude ntsrealize that, oncet histruefri endship, wi llbez/pro-h isteacher, Respecthis tea.cher/z, t husrustt heRoad/z, it isinthepro cess, impar tingknowle dgeandeduc atingpeopl eontheimpl ementation of it sfunda merit alfea t ures. Lov eisnotalle ducation,b uttheloveo feducation arethemost basicpreco ndition, feverychil d,spleasur eandareups etwithyour heartbeat, causedbyyo urthinking ,concernan dworry, the nyoubravet ochoosethe highesttea chersworka stheircare ernow, yo uca.nfinda.t oneofthejo yofcreatio n. Itispre ciselybeca useoflove, sotherewil lbecreated bypleasure , iscreated bee且usethe reispleasu re,soinedu cation, mor efulloflov eforthestu dentsfeeli ngs.Really educationa 1, itisthis never- endi ngloveandc reateavirt uouscircle ? Teacher sl


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