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文档收拾 | 学习参阅 collection of questions and answers 20XX 大型超市产品质量办理问题及对策研讨 ——以卜蜂莲花为例 学生 赵京飞 指导教师 李萍 摘 要 跟着社会的开展,人们日子水平不断进步,其对产品质量的要求越来越高。顾客在购买产品时不再只是考虑价格要素,更注重的是产品的质量和购物进程中的切身感受,他们的寻求现已从物质方面进步到了精力方面。可是,现在的超市呈现了越来越多的产品质量问题,对顾客的人身安全构成了很大的要挟。本文侧重研讨正大集团部属卜蜂莲花超市在产品质量办理上存在的问题。经汇总发现,该超市的产品质量问题首要体现在四个方面:超越保质期的产品上架出售、产品的标识不契合国家规则、产品中添加了过多的防腐剂以及超市的出产运营环境不契合规范等问题。针对这些问题,作者提出了建设性的主张。卜蜂莲花超市能够从政府监管力度、供货商、超市自身三个方面着手,稳重挑选供货商,完善质量办理系统,加强内部监督和操控,终究借用政府的监管力度确保产品的质量。从本源到终端商场,进行产品质量操控。 要害词:超市;产品质量;质量办理 The Large Supermarket Commodities Problems of Quality Management and Countermeasure Research ——Take Lotus for Example Name of student: Zhao Jingfei Name of tutor: Li Ping Abstract With the development of society, Peoples living standard is improving, and the quality requirement of products is becoming higher. They have paid more attention to the quality and the feeling of shopping rather than the price. The pursuit has ranged from the material aspects to sublimated spirit. However, there are so many problems of products quality in supermarkets, and these problems threat the personal property of customer. Through summarizing the quality problems, the problems in Lotus mainly indicated in four aspects: some products are over shelf-life, Identification of the goods does not conform to the state regulations, Add too many commodity preservatives or toxic substance, the environment of production and operation does not conform to the regulations. Aiming at these problems, the author put forward some constructive Suggestions. Lotus can solve the problem through government, suppliers, Lotus by carefully choosing suppliers, managing perfect quality system and strengthening/controlling internal supervision. Finally, guarantee the quality of the products by government regulations. Key words: supermarket; merchandise quality; quality management 目 录 序言…………………………………………………………………………………1 一、卜蜂莲花连锁超市开展状况…………………………………………………1 二、卜蜂莲花连锁超市存在的产品质量办理问题及原因剖析…………………2 (一)卜蜂莲花连锁超市存在的产品质量办理问题……………………………2 (二)卜蜂莲花产品质量办理问题的原因


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