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目的:本研究从免疫学方面探索推拿肾俞穴治疗老年肾虚腰痛的作用机制 设推拿治疗组与药物对照组各60例,治疗组以推拿肾俞穴为主,肾阳虚加擦, 及肾俞、命门一线,肾阴虚加擦涌泉。对照组肾阳虚腰痛口服桂附八味丸,肾 r=痛口服六味地黄丸。观察治疗前后临床症状体征改善情况、腰痛程度、NO、Ij T淋巴细胞亚群和血液流变学等的变化。结果:这一研究表明,治疗组与对冃 r= 治疗老年肾虚腰痛方面,均有不同程度的疗效,而治疗组在降低疼痛程度方面 组比较有显著性差异(P5.01 )。推拿治疗组患者的血液流变学指标治疗后 前相比有显著性差异。而且治疗后NO、Ig、CD3、CD4、CD4/CD8较治疗 提高,与对照组相比具有显著性差异(PC0.01 )。说明推拿肾俞穴能改善郤 调节机体免疫功能。结论:本研究结果充分表明,免疫功能低下可能是引起老 的病因之一,推拿肾俞穴可以提高免疫功能和加快血液循环、改善微循环。因 EG认为推拿肾俞穴治疗老年肾虚腰痛机理,除与其镇痛作用和改善微循环障碍以 EG 与其调节老年人的免疫功能有关。 关键词:推拿;肾俞穴;免疫功能 The Cl ini ca I Stu dies on The Trea tment for Lumbago of Age Patients with Kidney Deficiency by St i mu I at i ng Shenshu Poir with Chinese Massage Special ity: The Studies on the Therapeutic Principles for Diseases of Spor■ System with Chinese Massage ' ■ \uthor: Yong Li 「utor: Daoquan Wang ? Abstract Object i ve: To disclose the therapeutic mechanism on the immunity of luina^ 「or aged patients caused by kidney deficiency, the study used modernistic examine . Methods: 120 patients selected from outpatients and wardpatients of tl Jhandong Traditional Chinese Medicine hospital were devided randomly ini :ui ria group and control 1 group. Tuina group took Shenshu point as the dotninar nethod, rubbing waist、sacrum and Shenshu to Mingmen points additi on ally . :he type of insufficiericy of kidney-^yarig whig rubbing Yongquan point in tl ;ype of insufficiency of kidney-yin. There are 15days in a period of treatmer md the trerapy was manipulated in 20 minutes once a day between 2 coursi :ontintisly. In the control 1 group patients of insufficiency of kidney-yar md insufriciency of kidney-yin took different boluses in the same course( :rea£ment. Looking on clinical curative effect、 complex evaluateon of pail effects complex evaluateon of pain、 N0> the content of Immune global. lymphocyte (CD:^ CD、CD/CDJ and the trains format ion of blood flow . The ' group was superior to that of the control group in treating lumbago Cor patients caused by kidney deficiency ? Cone I us ions:The study confirms that 1ower imm


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