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1 1 PAGE PAGE # 、全厂热平衡 Heat balance 全厂热平衡表 Mill heat balanee table 用、供汽部门 Steam consuming suppl ying departme nts 用、供汽参数及数量(t/h) Parameters and qua ntity of steam con sumpti on supply 9.4MPa 490r 9.81MPa 540r 1.27MPa 320 r 1.27MPa 195r 0.686MPa 270r 0.686MPa 175r 用 汽 部 门 Steam Consuming Departme nt 1.年产90万吨桉木 化学浆车间 900,000t/a Eucalyptus Chemical Pulp Li ne 249 209 2.年产45万吨咼 档包装卡纸板工 程 450,000t/a High Grade Carton Board Line 21 118 3.年产45万吨咼 档文化纸工程 450,000t/a high grade fine paper line 7 118 4.室外管网热损失 (按 4% 计) Heat loss of outdoor pipe n etwork (Calculated by 4%) 11 18 小计 Subtotal 288 463 5.锅炉自用汽 Gas for Boiler 60 6.CB100- 8.83/1.27/0.686抽 汽背压机 492 7. C50-8.83/0.686 单抽凝汽机 Si ngle-extractio n condensing equipme nt 218 1 1 PAGE PAGE # 8. C50-8.83/0.686 单抽凝汽机 Si ngle-extractio n condensing equipme nt 218 9.减温器 Attemperator (p=1.27MPa、 h/t2=320/195C) 266 10.减温器 Attemperator (p=0.686MPa、 Wt2=270/175°C 486 11.站内管道热损 失(按3%计) Heat loss of pipe in the statio n (Calculated by 3%) 16 14 合计Total 508 450 266 288 486 523 供 汽 部 门 Steam Supplyi ng Departme nt 1.碱回收锅炉 518t/h Alkali recovery boiler 518t/h 518 2?动力锅炉220t/h Power boiler 220t/h 220 3?动力锅炉220t/h Power boiler 220t/h 220 4.CB100- 8.83/1.27/0.686 抽汽背压机 266 226 5. C50-8.83/0.686 单抽凝汽机 Si ngle-extractio n condensing equipme nt 130 6. C50-8.83/0.686 单抽凝汽机 Si ngle-extractio n condensing equipme nt 7?减温器 Attemperator (p=1.27MPa、 t1/t2=320/195C) 288 130 1 1 PAGE PAGE # 8.减温器 Attemperator (p=0.686MPa、 t1/t2=270/175°C) 523 合计Total 518 440 266 288 486 523 平衡合计 Bala nee calculatio n +10 -10 0 0 0 0 、机炉选择 Selection of turbine and boiler -阶段1设2台54t/h燃油锅炉作为生产启动和备用热源,碱回收锅炉正常运行后,燃油锅 炉基本停用。碱回收锅炉正常运行产汽量 518t/h,压力9.4MPa,温度490C,配100MW 抽汽背压式汽轮发电机组,供热发电能力可以满足本阶段热电负荷需求。 Two 54t/h fuel boilers will be in stalled as start-up and sta ndby heat source, the fuel boilers will stop worki ng whe n recovery boilers work n ormally. When recovery boiler works normally, of which evaporation is 518t/h, pressure is 9.4Mpa and temperature is 490


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