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讲稿 商英0934班 罗沙 肯德基的经营模式 — 许经营特许经营在全球范围内蓬勃发展,在各国商业模式发展中扮演了 很重要的角色o 特许经营在我国大面积普及和发展的时间很短,目前正处于快速发展阶段,孕 育 着巨大的发展空间和更多的投资机会。肯德基以“特许经营”作为一种有效的 方 式在全世界拓展业务,是肯德基品牌策略成功的代表性策略,具有“中国特色” 特许经营;“不从零开始”;两种经营模式 1.何为“特许经营” 1?1特许经营的概念 特许经营译自英文Franchising,是指特许经营权拥有以合同约定的形式允许被 特 许经营者有偿使用其名称、标志、专有技术、产品及运作管理经验等从事经营 活 动的商业经营模式。也可以定义为一个商业机会,即一种服务或一种使用特定 商 标的产品的所有者(厂商或销商)将当地分销和销售专有权赋予某一人,该人 向 所有者支付费用或专利权使用费并达到一定的质量标准作为回报。 1.2特许经营的特点 特许经营作为一种全新的商业模式,其特点正是其长盛不衰的原因,其一是建 立 统一的中心管理办法,形成共同利益组织,充分发挥整体力量。其二是慎重选 择 特许加盟者,符合整体规划,以保证整个连锁体系的利益。其三是协调总部与 加 作为一种崭新盟店的关系,为共同利益着想。鉴于以上三点,我们可以发现, 作为一种崭新 的 商业模式,特许经营对当事人双方的好处是显而易见的。另外,它适应现代社 会 生活的需要,可以长期、稳定地为社会提供可靠的产品和服务。 KFC s business model Franchising: Not Start from Zero” Kentucky Fried Chicken s franchise belongs to the business model of franchising? Franchise operation not only requires products and service, but also shop signs, and store names, trademarks, business standards, product and service qual ity standards , mode of operation, and so on, to be conducted in accordance with the main store,s portfolio. Franchisees not just buy rights of sales but the operation rights of the whole pattern ? KFC, s two licensing modes .Two types of franchise mode : Xian mode and “Changzhou mode” L Xian mode: 2. “Xian mode ” is oligopoly mode factually. It requires that the franchisee should have abudant assets and knowledge and ability on the local market? This mode was created by KFC and a businessman from Taiwan ? The man bought the KFC franchise of Shaanxi province ? Therefore , Xian became KFC franchising birthplace , which is also known as Xian mode? Under this mode, the operational performance of the franchisee largely depends on their own operating capabilities and the accuracy of the judgment of the market ? 2. Changzhou mode : Changzhou mode” began in August 2000 ? It is KFC,s first “ not start from zero” franchise shop in China? This mode requires that the franchisees pay off t ransfer fee amounted to RMB 8 million to obtain a mature being profitable KFC rest


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