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Test for Inteipreters of Level 3 Speeches for Consecutive Interpreting Part I Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese^ interpret it into English by speaking into the microphone. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in English, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only once. Now, leVs begin. 下而你将听到的是一段有关中国古代海洋文化展的讲话。 Q: I heard that an exhibition opened recently in Beijing that showcases the remains of an ancient sunken ship? I wonder if you tell me something about it. // A:好啊。这艘船叫华光礁一号,是一个渔民于1996年在南中国海发现的。这条 船在大海里已经沉睡了近800年,充满了神秘色彩。这是一艘商船,船上载满了 瓷器和青铜器皿。〃 Q: I have a keen mteiest in undenvater culnual heritage, so I want to go and see tins exiubition to find out how the ship sank and how the underwater archeological work was done m lecoveimg it. // A:展览分五个部分來介绍这艘船的情况,包括它最早起航时的状态。从沉船上 打捞出来的文物都摆放在展厅里,以重视它们在海底被发现时的场景。〃 Q: Is it Cluna's fiist national suivey on undewater cultuial relics? It must be a landmark accomplislunent for Chilians undenvater culnual heritage protection. // A:其实,这条海船在历史上是一条非常繁忙的国际海上贸易通道,有时也叫海 上後绸之路。古代中国商船就是通过这条海路把中国的瓷器、丝绸和其他物品远 销海外。所以这条海路上其实有不少沉船。对华光礁而言,对它的勘察和保护的 确是非常成功的。// Q: So I see. Wliat has China done to ensure that undenvatei culnual relics axe protected? // A:中国政府非常重视海底文化遗址保护,已经把它作为中国海洋战略的一个重 要部分。在这方而20年來我们己经取得了很大进步,1987年建立了国家海底考 占研尢屮心,培养了 80多位水下考占潜水员。现在我们有一整套法律,法规和 措施来保护海底文化遗址。〃 Part II Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese^ Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now, let's begin. 下而你将听到的是一段有关塑料袋产生的环保问题的讲话。 Plastic bags are veiy popular with both retailers and consumers because they are cheap, strong, lightweight、as well as a hygienic means of canying food and goods? But even though they aie one of the modem conveniences


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