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IndependenceDay, 独立日 英文片名 : independence day 中文片名 : 独立日 天煞 -地球反击战 上映: 2019 甲骨文剧本网,看电影,学英语 independence day dean devlin amp; roland emmerich an american flag oddly still, posted in gray dusty sand. widen to reveal: ext. lunar surface - the moon one small step for man, one large pile of garbage for moonkind. untouched for years, the flag stands next to the castoff remains of the apollo mission. slowly the discarded equipment begins to rattle and shake. an enormous shadow creeps towards us blotting out the horizon, a loud rumble is heard. suddenly we are covered in darkness as the shadow engulfs us. only the lonely image of our earth hangs in the air, until huge silhouetted object suddenly blocks our view. cut to: ext. new mexico - radio telescope valley - night a field of large satellite dishes scan the skies. super up: s.e.t.i. institute, new mexico int. institute - monitoring control center - same a lone technician works on his putting skills. behind him, wall to wall technical equipment quietly sifts through data. a red light begins to flash. the technician turns and slowly walks towards the source. one by one a series of lights turn on. the technician (tech one) grabs a pair of headphones. his eyes widen. int. sleeping quarters - same sleepily a supervisor picks up the phone. supervisor if this isnt an insanely beautiful woman, im hanging up. int. control center - same tech one shut up and listen. he holds the phone up to a speaker, increases the volume. strange fluctuating tone plays out in sequential patterns. int. sleeping quarters - same hearing it, the supervisor bolts up, banging his head on the bunk above him. int. control center - moments later a pajama party on acid. five other technicians, in various states of undress, hover anxiously around the main console. the supervisor enters, tying his robe. supervisor god, i hope its not just another damned russian spy job. tech three (overlapping) negative. computer affirms the signal is unidentified. tech two (


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