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彩色多普勒超声联合超声造影对类风湿性关节炎腕关节病 变的临床价值 [摘要]目的探讨彩色多普勒超声 (CDUS联合超声造影 (CEUS对类风湿性关节炎(RA)腕关节病变的临床价值。 方法收集2012年1月?2015年9月温州医科大学附属乐清 医院和温州医科大学附属第二医院明确诊断 RA 患者 37 例, 共68个腕关节(RA组),收集同时期对照组 20例共40个腕 关节。采用彩色多普勒超声分别检测两组腕关节有无滑膜增 生及滑膜增生的厚度,并检测增生滑膜内有无血流信号,关 节有无骨质侵蚀,关节有无积液。RA组患者经静脉注射超声 造影剂后,观察腕关节增生滑膜强化情况,并测量增生滑膜 厚度。结果 RA组68个腕关节中,61个腕关节出现滑膜增 厚( 89.71%), 38 个腕关节检出关节积液( 55.88%), 37 个 腕关节出现骨侵蚀占( 54.41%);对照组 40 个腕关节中, 4 个关节出现滑膜增厚 ( 10.00%), 3 个关节有关节积液 ( 7.50%), 1个关节出现骨侵蚀(2.50%); RA组中各征象出现百分比均 较对照组高,差异均有高度统计学意义( P [关键词 ] 类风湿关节炎;彩色多普勒超声;超声造影; 诊断 [中图分类号 ] R814.42 [文献标识码 ] A [文章编号 ] 1673-7210 ( 2016)12( a)-0 1 26-05 Clinical value of color Doppler ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for wrist joint lesions of rheumatoid arthritis LI Yuanyuani ZANG Guolil^ ZHAO Yaping2 1.Department of Ultrasonography , Yueqing Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University , Zhejiang Province , Yueqing 325600, China; 2.Department of Ultrasonography , the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University , Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou 325100 , China [Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical value of color Doppler ultrasound ( CDUS) and contrast-enhances ultrasonography (CEUS)for wrist joints lesions of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)patients. Methods Thirty-seven patients with RA 68 wrist joints,RA group)and twenty normal controls (40 wrist joints , control group ) were enrolled from January 2012 to September 2015 in Yueqing Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. CDUS was used to detect synovial thickness, joint effusion , tendon tenosynovitis , bone erosion and hyperplasia synovium blood flow. In the RA group , after intravenous injection of ultrasound contrast agent , CEUS was used to observe the enhancement of proliferative synovial of the wrist joint , and the thickness of synovial membrane was measured. Results In the RA group, among 68 wrists joints, there were synovial thickening in 61 wrists joints ( 89.71%), join


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