外研版选修版高考英语大一轮复习核心素养测评三十六ModuleWarandPeace .docVIP

外研版选修版高考英语大一轮复习核心素养测评三十六ModuleWarandPeace .doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 核心素养测评三十六 Module 6 War and Peace Ⅰ. 阅读理解 Little black taxis, often run-down and falling apart from decades of use, have for a long time been a main feature of Cairo’s chaotic urban landscape. But their days may be numbered, thanks to a new taxi replacement programme aimed at knocking out older, potentially unsafe vehicles. The government-sponsored action, launched earlier this year, allows drivers of taxis 20 years or older, mostly Fiats and Peugeots, to trade their cars for shiny new all-white onesat generous rates of financing. Drivers can choose between five different locally manufactured car models. According to officials, more than 11, 000 brand new taxis, sporting trademark checked stripes on the sides, have already hit the streets of the capital, and they’ve been welcomed enthusiastically by passengers. Many people say that not only are the new taxis more comfortable, but they also make the streets of Cairo far more presentable. Furthermore, taxi fares have only increased by a small amount. The poor condition of most black and white taxis is almost legendary. Passengers often have to deal with windows and doors that do not open and close, and heavy, thick petrol gases. Air conditioning is unheard of. The new all-white taxis, meanwhile, are cleaner, more fuel-efficient and provide air conditioning on request. Furthermore, all the new taxis come equipped with functioning fare meters, which avoids arguments and sometimes fights with passengers! The government hopes to replace all of the capital’s 40, 000 elderly black cabs soon, but not everyone in Cairo will be happy to see them go. Hotel manager Ibrahim Al-Toukhy says that the old black cabs were weak and run-down, and maybe even a little dangerous, but they were part of the city, and part of Cairo’s character. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。旧出租车已成为开罗的城市特色, 但因其车况残破不堪。本文主要介绍了开罗政府实行的新出租车更换旧出租车的工程。 1. Which of the followings


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