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.word .word版本. .word .word版本. Unit 1 //lReady For Your Campus Life? //l 一、 教学目标 初次见面如何打招呼。 介绍自己的个人信息,谈论来自何处。 介绍校园、图书馆、教室等。 掌握“主一糸一表”结构和“there be”句型。 学会如何发前元音(i :]与〔i) 二、 教学用具 录音机,磁带,个人信息,卡片,世界地图 三?教学阿导 语言功能 ?介绍自己的个人信息 ,谈论来自何处 ?介绍校园,学习计划 语 言 目 标 能用下列交际用语进行简短对话: What is his name? His name is... Wlierc is he froni? He is from... Do you have a plan for your study? Yes, I like Chinese... 语言结构 “主一糸一表”饴构和-There be”句型 重点词汇 ready, campus, dormitory, canteen, search.practice, vacational, adapt J Warm-up 教学要束与建议 老卸首先用英语向全班学生作自我介绍,并提出新学习阶段的英语学习要求。例如: Hello, everyone. My name is... I* in your English teacher this year. Let* s do our best together to improve our Learning of English. Now at the beginning of this term, 1 would like to advise you to plcin your time carefully. Be sure to have enough time to recite the new words and useful expressions, to listen to enough English tapes, to read many English articles, to do oral practice as much as possible and to finish your homework on time. Second, I advise you to make good use of your time in class. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help to remind you what the teacher said. Another important suggestion is that you should develop a good attitude towards your English reading, listening, speaking and writing. Don t be afraid of making mistakes when you are speaking Engl ish. Just try your best to say what you want in English every time. I 11 do my best to help you and 1 hope everyone will get a great progress in the shortest possible time... 此外,还可以设计一些常用口令,手势?规定一些纪律,以便在以后的教学中,形成 良好的习愤?达成默契。 Warm-up部分应在10分钟完成° Wann-up部分的练习可以鼓励学生在课前独立完成,然后在课上检查?也可以在 课上引导学生集体做? 除了将对话容补充完整外?教坏还可根据具体情况,补充一些简単的间地。如: What s your English name? Where are you from? Which school were you at before you came here? 有奖励机制-例如:赏识姓语言。无论回答情况怎样均应饴予鼓励?建立说英语 的自信心o 最好絶在开课前布置并引导和鼓励学生預先自学、预习并记忆本单元的生词和短 语,在Warm-up中涉及一些。 □ Pronunciation Practice word word版本. word word版本. 教授学生练习前元音〔i :)与〔i〕,同时可以多挙一些常见的带有这两个元音的例子, 进行对比。 口 Listening and Speaking


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