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500kV变电站电气一次部分设计 学生专业: 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名: 指导教师: PAGE PAGE 44 摘 要 本设计题目为500kV变电站电气一次部分设计,此变电站建设规模为,有三个电压等级,属于枢纽变电站。本设计分析处理了资源数据与需求情况并对电气主接线进行形式比较设计,以及主变压器选型与计算、短路电流计算、电气设备选择、防雷保护配置与整定、继电保护配置与整定、环境分析与保护等主要内容。为本设计绘制了电气主接线图、防雷装置布置图及变电站断面图,且均采用autoCAD绘图软件。近年来我国大力推动基础设施建设,电力生产行业高速发展,也不断提高对大容量枢纽变电站的可靠性、灵活性等相关要求,对环保性也提出制定了更高的规范。本变电站设计从实际情况出发,结合变电站设计规范与相关数据,应用较为先进的设备元件与接线方式,进行完善全面的设计工作,更具有设计参考价值。 关键词:枢纽变电站;主变压器选型;短路电流;防雷保护;电气主接线 ABSTRACT The title of this design is the design of the electrical primary part of 500kV voltage grade substation. The construction scale of this substation is 2 × 334MVA, with three voltage levels of 500kV, 220kV and 35kV, belongs to the step-down hub substation.This design mainly includes resource and demand analysis, comparison and selection of main electrical wiring design scheme, selection and calculation of main transformer, calculation of short circuit current, electrical equipment used in the substation is selected, and the lightning protection,and relay protection are configured and set,analysis and protection of environment, etc.The main electrical wiring diagram of the substation, the layout of lightning protection device and the section diagram of the substation are all drawn with AutoCAD drawing software.In recent years, our country vigorously promotes the construction of infrastructure, the rapid development of power production industry, also constantly improves the reliability, flexibility and other related requirements of large capacity hub substation, and puts forward higher standards for environmental protection. The substation design from the actual situation, combined with the substation design specifications and related data, the application of more advanced equipment components and wiring methods, perfect and comprehensive design work, more design reference value. Keywords:hub substation,selection of main transformer,short-circuit current (SCC),lightning protection,main electrical wiri


1、变电站、发电厂、水电厂电气部分设计(课程设计) 2、变电站、发电厂、水电厂电气主接线图CAD绘制 3、变电站设备平面布置图CAD绘制 4、变电站设备断面图CAD绘制 5、继电保护课程设计、继电保护整定计算、继电保护解题辅导 6、变电站继电保护调试、施工、绘制二次图纸 7、继电保护原理图、接线图、展开图CAD绘制 8、电网考试与相关问题咨询

