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南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 中药化学 Chemistry of Chinese Medicinal Materials 中药学专业 执笔人:朱全红殷勇冠 审定人:朱全红 学院负责人:吕志平 南方医科大学教务处 二OO六年十二月 课程编号:B020037 一、课程简介 《中药化学》是一门结合中医药基本理论,运用现代科学技术,特别是运用化学及物理学的理 论和方法研究中药化学成分的学科,是中药类专业的一门专业课或专业基础课。因此,本课程应紧 密结合中医药理论、中药的临床功效及其所含化学成分的化学结构、性质与药理作用等进行教学。 通过教学使学生能掌握中药中所含有效成分的结构类型、 理化性质、提取、分离、检识的基本理论、 基本知识和基本技能;熟悉中药所含有效成分的结构鉴定方法;为学好其它后续相关课程和就业后 从事中药现代化研究和研制新药等奠定必要的基础。《中药化学》是一门实践性很强的学科,教学 内容要充分反映本学科的新进展、新成就以及相关学科的理论成果和技术进步在本学科中的应用, 注重培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力以及勇于开拓的创新精神。 《中药化学》教学大纲供四年制中药专业使用。本课程总学时 150学时,其中课堂讲授80学 时,实验70学时,学分为8学分。 “Chemistryof Chinese Medicinal Materials Is a required course that studies the chemical components in Chinese medicinal materials by means of modern scientific technology, especially the chemical and physical theories and methods for the students of Chinese Materia Medica major. Thus in teaching, it is necessaryto incorporate the theory of TCM, the clinical efficacy of Chinese medicinal materials and the chemical structures, properties and pharmacology of the chemical components closely. The students should master the structure types, physical and chemical properties of the active components in Chinese medicinal materials and the fundamental theories, knowledge and skills on extracting, isolating and identifying the active components; be familiar with the methods of structure identification; and thus lay necessaryfoundation for learning the relative courses, working at the modernization of TCM and research & development of the new drugs. “ Chemistryof Chinese Medicinal Materials rs a practical course and therefore the teaching contents should reflect the new progresses, the new achievements and the application of the outcomes and improvements of other relative courses in this area, and pay attention to the cultivation of the students ' capabilities in analyzing and solving the problems and the novelty sprits of reclamation. The outline is supplied to the students of Chinese medicinal materials major. The total hours is 150, of which the lect


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