Abnormal Attraction《异常吸引力(2016)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Abnormal Attraction《异常吸引力(2016)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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你想让我用这个做什么 You want me to do what with this? 你听到我说的了 You heard what I said. 不要违抗我 Don't defy me. 按我说的做就完了 Just do... as I say. 是的 女士 只是 Yes, madam, it's just that... 别抱怨了 Stop complaining. 你想保住我给你在这儿的工作的话 You want to keep the position I have given you here, 你就得证明自己的价值 then you have to prove your worth. 好的 我只是不明白 Okay, I just don't understand 这怎么会帮助我们找到她 how this is going to help us find her. 我的意思是他什么也不知道 I mean, he doesn't know anything. 这远不止于此 It's much more than that. 我很轻易地能帮你找到另一个职位 I can easily find another chair for you. 我能说点什么吗 Can I just say something here? 你没有权利说话 You have no right to speak. 而且 你应该学会感恩 Besides, you should be grateful. 你将成为我的第一个客人 You get to be my first guest... 克拉维尔 Clover. 从现在开始 营会正式 From now on, this camp is officially... 开始营业 ...open for business. 异常吸引力 哇哦 Ooh. 啊 Whoa! 数月来引起大众广泛讨论的 A longstanding feud that has come to the forefront 长♥期♥争执 of popular discussion in recent months 进一步急剧升级 has escalated dramatically. 无端的暴♥力♥和骚乱已经司空见惯 Unprovoked violence and riots have become commonplace. 这个世界急需改变 The world sees a need for change, 但仍不清楚应该采取什么样的行动 but is still unclear on the proper course of action. 舒普总统一直声称 President Shump has consistently spoken out 反对种族隔离 against the segregation 并热衷增进州与州之间的团结 and urged for an increase in unity among our great states. 我现在请到了一位杰出的 I'm here with a leading 非人类权益活动家 恶魔 non-human rights activist, The Wicked One. 关于总统昨晚的演讲 Is there anything you'd like to say 你想说点什么吗 about the president's speech last night? 你认为我们国家的未来依赖 Do you think that our country's hopes rely on 各方的开放和协调吗 an openness to compromise on all sides? 如你所见 这是一个很严重的问题 As you can see, this is a very serious issue... 去她妈的权利 Fuck her right in the pussy! 第一章 起源 哦 Oh. - 斯坦 - 老天啊 - Stan! - Jesus! 尼克 Nick! 你能偶尔说下“科尔博士 打扰了”吗 Is it so hard to say, excuse me, Dr. Cole, occasionally? 我是说 怎么了 有人在你衣服上撒尿了吗 I mean, what, did somebody piss on your shirt? 不 不 好吧 我和未婚妻 No, no, look, okay, my fiancee and I, 我们最近有些问题 we've been having a couple of


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