Lost Holiday《遗失的假期(2018)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Lost Holiday《遗失的假期(2018)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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片名:遗失的假期 泳池站台上不得穿鞋 7月4日之后 We hadn't seen Margaret or Henry 我们就没见过玛格丽特或亨利了 since Fourth of July 那天马克拿到了体育馆的钥匙 when Mark got the keys to the Athletic Building 我们疯玩了一夜 and we flew like kids for a night. 当时大伙就解散了 但是… I think that's where it all ended, but... 他们不知道 they had no idea. 我们差点就 This is to cheating death 欺骗了死亡 by a near-miss. 那些跳动的心脏…… Those heart thumps... 带着一个吻 leading to a kiss. 我们希望能一直这样 Wish it could stay like this. 在公园里用性♥爱♥告别 Guess it's good-bye to sex in parks, 逃离警♥察♥的追捕 在屋顶上抽雪茄 running from cops, cigs on rooftops, 逃学 偷偷在游泳池里玩 skipping school, and stolen swimming pools. 汗湿的夜晚 酒吧斗殴 Stoned, sweaty nights, bar fights, 酒醉的幸福 drunken bliss. 真希望能一直这样 Wish it could stay like this. 是啊 她总是围在人堆里 非常冷静 Yeah, she's always around the noise, totally chill. 我们说的是谁? Who are we talking about here? 我想这两个人在怀孕期间会很合得来 I think the two of 'em really clicked during pregnancy. 我看得出来 伙计 I can see that, man. 干得好 Good job. 我要尿裤子了 伙计 I'm pissing my fucking pants, dude! 谢谢兄弟 她今年几年级了? Thanks, brother. What's her class this year? -三年级 -挺好 - Third grade. - Nice. 最好的年纪 Oh, yeah, great age! 妈的 Oh, fuck. 我很抱歉 伙计 I-I'm sorry, man. 你真幸运 我的天哪 You're so lucky. Oh, my gosh. 沃特斯在说… Like, Waters is talking about the--the, like, 我们所有人都是法♥西♥斯♥分子 the fascists inside of all of us. 马戈和亨利也要来两发迷幻药吗? Huh, are Margo and Henry on acid, too? 这是一个为期两年的项目 It's a two-year program 第二年的大部分时间都在妇女诊所里 that most of the second year is spent at the women's clinic. 哇 太神奇了 Wow, that is so amazing. 如果你不介意我问的话 What made you get into this field of work? 你是怎么进入这个行业的? If you don't mind my asking? 我不知道 I don't know. 一辆优步不小心开进了这里 Uber went to the house behind this one on accident. 他妈的白♥痴♥ Fucking idiot. 他说他再过30秒就来了 He said he'd be here in, like, another 30 seconds. 终于见到你本人真是太好了 Well, it was so nice to finally meet you in person. 哦 天哪 我也是 Oh, my God, you, too. 婚礼是什么时候? When's the big day? -嗯八月份… -哦 - Um, August. - Oh... 真令人兴奋 恭喜你们 That's really exciting. Congratulat


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