The Isle《小岛(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Isle《小岛(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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海妖的歌♥声虽然甜美 但止不住的悲伤 会把人引入死亡与腐烂 死亡 1846年 我不明白 I don't understand it. 很久没有陆地的迹象了 Nothing on here indicates land for miles. 我们是不是错过了什么 What could we possibly have hit? 也许位置不是你想的那样 Has it occurred to you that we're not where you thought we were? 这没道理 It doesn't make any sense. -你看错了 长官 -吉姆 Well, you're reading it wrong, sir. Jim. 什么? What? 这是个白♥痴♥ The man's an idiot! 地图都不会看 He can't even read a chart properly. -不知道他干了什么 -吉姆 够了 Well, I don't know what he's done what that. Jim, enough! 没关系 费里斯 It's all right, Ferris. 我不知道我们在哪 I don't know where we are. 陆地 Land! 陆地 Land! 划啊 比克利 Row, Bickley! 快点划 Row! Row, man! 片名:小岛 得让你暖和下 长官 We need to get you warm, sir. 我可以……试着生火 I could... try and get a fire started. 我帮你 I'll give you a hand. 没用了 Useless anyway. 升起火来就算走运 这里太潮湿了 We'll be lucky if this works. It's all pretty damp. 但得试一试 But it's worth a shot. 我去找找看燧石 I can try and find some flint. 好主意 凯利安 Good idea, Cailean. 看看有没有地方能避避 I'll go and see if I can find any shelter. 我们该聚在一起 这岛上有什么还不清楚 We should stay together. We don't know what's on this island. 你少管 伙计 Come off it, man! 辛亏你没有让我们 Surely you couldn't have got us so lost 跑到东印度群岛去 that we're somewhere off the East Indies? 就算我遇到高地皮克人 我也能对付 I'm sure I can handle myself if I come across a primitive Highland Pict. 天哪 Jesus! 早上好 先生们 Good morning, gentlemen. 早 Morning! 我是芬加尔 麦克雷德 I'm Fingal MacLeod. 欢迎来岛上 Welcome to the island. 你真像及时雨 麦克雷德先生 We're extremely relieved to make your acquaintance, Mr. MacLeod. 我们的船在雾中沉了 小艇差点没能上岸 Our ship sank in the mist, and our row boat barely made it here. 这里离苏格兰西海岸近吗? Might I presume that we're somewhere off the west coast of Scotland? 就在附近 Thereabouts, aye. 看起来你们都需要休息休息 Well, looks like you could all do with a restorative, hmm? 跟我来 Follow me. 我们的船在不远处撞到了礁石 Our ship hit some rocks not far from here. 可能有存活者 There may be some survivors. 如果我们生火 Perhaps if we built a fire, 他们也许能跟着上岸 they might be able to follow it to shore. 这么说吧 I'll tell you what. 先到我家把自己弄干净 You come and dry yourselves a


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