Buried Alive《生人活埋(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Buried Alive《生人活埋(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Hey, Wally? Take a look at these, will you? I've made some changes. 嘿 沃利?看一下这些好吗? 我作了些修改 Hi. Leave a message at the beep and we'll get back to you. 嗨 请在"嘀"一声后留言 我们稍后回复您 Hi, honey. It's me. 嗨 宝贝儿 是我 Too bad you're going away this weekend. I miss you already. 你周末要外出真是太糟了 我已经开始想你了 Now I'll tell you what. Why don't I knock off early... 跟你说 我打算提前收工 and I come home for lunch and see you off, okay? 回家吃午饭 然后送你 好吗? Love you. 爱你 Terrific. 好极了 Boss, you've got a visitor. 老板 有客人找你 Clint, hope you don't mind me popping in like this. 克林特 希望你不介意我突然造访 Oh, no.I'm always glad to see you. 噢 哪里 我一直很乐意见到你的 Wally, give us a couple of minutes, will you? 沃利 我们想单独聊一会儿 好吗? Have a seat. Thanks. 请坐 谢谢 Shut up. 别叫了 Problem, sheriff? 有事吗 警官? There ain't but two people in this whole town worth going fishing with. 镇上只有两个人值得同去钓鱼 I'm looking at one and you're looking at the other one. 一个是你 另一个就是我 What you're weekend like? I'm wide open. 你周末怎么过? 正好有空 Joanna's heading to the city today. Spending the night with a girlfriend. 乔安娜今天进城和闺蜜过夜 Going shopping tomorrow. Well, we'll make the night too. 明天上街扫货 正好 咱俩也可以一起过夜了 Let's get some fishing poles and sleeping bags 我们去拿钓鱼竿和睡袋 and catch some trouts. You got it. 去钓些鲑鱼 说定了 I'll pick you up at five. 我五点来接你 Big hand is on the twelve, little hand is on the five. 长针指到12 短针指到5 You can't miss it. 你不会误点的 Slow it down! 慢点开 What are you doing in there, Duke? Nobody let you out? 杜克 你在里面干嘛? 没人放你出来? Come here. Come here. 这里 这里 Yeah. Come on. Come on. 很好 来 再来 Go get it. Go get it. 去叼吧 That's it. Stay out of those flowers. 就是那样 别碰那些花 Honey, I'm home! 亲爱的 我回来了! Honey? 亲爱的 Did you get my message? Yes... 你听到我的留言了吧? 嗯... but I have doctor appointment at two... 但是我两点约了医生 and then I'm meeting Maggie. And if... 然后去见玛吉 如果... If I don't head into the city now, I'll never make it, so... 如果我现在不进城 我就去不了啦 所以... Well, guess I'll just have to fend for myself. 好吧 看来我只好自己照顾自己了 I guess so. 恐怕是这样 Oh, that's okay. 噢 这没什么问题 But if you try to call me tonight and I'm


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