牛津译林版九上9A英语Unit1 Know yourself Welcome2 PPT课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版九上9A英语Unit1 Know yourself Welcome2 PPT课件.ppt

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Unit 1 Know yourself ;1.To Learn some words to describe people’s personalities. 学会描述性格; 2.To be able to talk about your own personalities and the kind of job you like or dislike. 会谈论性格与所喜爱或不喜爱的工作; 3. To learn to have good personal qualities. 培养良好的性格特征;*Do you have a friend/sister/brother? *What’s he/she like? (kind, lovely, organized, modest, humorous, helpful….) *Why do you think so? ;Suzy is well _______. She keeps all her things in good order.;Mr Wu is _______.;Mr Wu is patient…;1. Why does Millie think she can be a good teacher or doctor? 2. What’s Paul like? 3. What job does Sandy like? 4. Does David like to work without speaking all day long? ;A: I am …(性格). I think I can be a …(职业).What job do you like? B: I am …(性格). I like…(职业) ; Have a look at Page 6 and Page 7, try to find out something difficult. 看6页和7页,找一找有没有疑难点?;What’s Eddie like according to the article? What happened to Eddie’s breakfast at last? ;1.这儿有一篇关于性格的文章.(倒装句) 3.上面写道… 4.和他人分享东西使得他们感觉良好。 5.你吃光了我的早饭。 6.不同性格的人行为方式不同。 7.保持所有的东西井然有序 8.炫耀 9.吴老师够有耐心向我们重复语法。 10.想出新点子 11.对一切好奇 12. 容易生气 13. 我的父母和我都认为我不能成为一个好会计。 14. 有令人振奋的好主意 15. 对我来说整天工作不说话太恐怖了。 ;Here is an interesting article about personality. 2. It says/ reads 3.To share things with others makes them feel good. It makes them feel good to share things with others. 4.You’ve eaten up my breakfast. 5.People with different personalities behave in different ways. 6. Keep all things in good order 7. show off show it / them off 8. Mr wu is patient enough to repeat grammar rules for us. 9.come up with new ideas 10. be curious about everything get angry easily 12.Neither my partents nor I think I can make a good accountant. 13. Have exciting ideas 14. It’s terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.;1. eat up 吃光,吃完 如: She made a cake and ate it up. 拓展:drink up 喝光,喝完 1). --It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.光盘??动 -- Sure. We shoul



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