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全新版本大学英语综合教程4第二版本Unit7课文翻译 全新版本大学英语综合教程4第二版本Unit7课文翻译 全新版本大学英语综合教程4第二版本Unit7课文翻译 In the days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Daily News staff w riter Corky Siemaszko wrote several snapshots of the citys mood at the time. Siemaszko offered similar snapshots on the first few anniversaries of the we present a selection from the series. 9 /11 恐惧侵袭后的多日内, 《每天新闻》的专职撰稿人科基 ?西马兹科撰写了数篇反应纽约市当时气氛的快讯。在 9/11 的头几个周年龄念日,西马兹科又写了一些近似的快讯。下边是从此中选出的几篇 Snapshots  of  New Yorks  Mood after  9/11 Corky  Siemaszko 9/11  后纽约气氛写照 科基 ?西马兹科 OFTERROR Originallypublished:9/12/2001 The morning coffeewas still minutes, one of New Yorksmightiest ationsimage of invincibilitywas made alie.  cooling symbols  when was a  our grandest smoldering  illusion messand  was the  n 恐惧的一日 最先发布于 2001 年 9 月 12 日 清晨的咖啡还没有凉, 我们最雄伟的想象却已被粉碎。 在数分钟时间内, 纽约最显赫的象征之一成了一堆余烟未尽的废墟,而这个国家不行战胜的形象也成了一个谎话。 2. As  the  World  Trade  Center  crumpled  and  the  streets  filled  with  s creams  and  scenes  of unimaginable  horror,  choking  smokeblotted  out  the  sun  and  plunged  lo wer Manhattaninto darkness. 当世界贸易中心坍毁、 街道上各处都有人哭叫、  充满难以想象的恐惧场景时,  令人窒息的烟 雾遮住了太阳,使曼哈顿下城区堕入了一片黑暗。 3. Those  not  entombed  by  the  bomb-blasted  buildings  ran  and  ran  — just  as  they  did  eight  years earlier,  when  another  terror  attack  shook  this  mighty  symbol  of  Ameri cas  power. 那些炸毁的大楼内未被掩埋的人跑啊跑——就像八年前另一次恐惧侵袭震惊了这个美国力量的显赫标记相同。  the  rest  of  the  country,  there  was  another  shock  to  digest  — a second  kamikaze  attack.  This time  on  the  Pentagon. 关于美国其余地方的人们,  还有另一次震惊需要蒙受——第二次自杀性侵袭,  此次是瞄准五 角大楼的。 5. More  horror.  More  amazementthat  the  mighty  United  States  could be  so  vulnerable  to  terror. 更多的恐惧,更大的杂乱,更多的不行思议:强盛的美国竟然这样不堪恐惧分子一击。 6. But  on  the  streets  of  lower  Manhattan  there  was  no  time  for  f inger-pointing.  Notime  for  talk  of  revenge.  People  were  dying.  Cops and  fire


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