(新版)牛津版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Reading I教案.docVIP

(新版)牛津版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Reading I教案.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 Unit 4A good read Reading(I) I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. understand the extract fromGulliver’s Travels with the teacher’s help; 2. understand the possible theme of the story; 3. learn how to read a novel and develop a love for reading. II. Teaching contents 1.New words and phrases: against, tie, over, stomach, until, finger, tiny, continue, either, manage, lift, army, must, unable, shoulder, by the time, be tired out, be tied to, look down, the same size as, fall over, continue doing sth, manage to do sth, a huge army of 2.New structures: After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as fast as I could. I woke up as the sun was rising. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Get a full understanding of the whole story. 2. Analysis the possible theme of the story. IV.Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. An introduction to Gulliver’s Travels (1) The teacher asks the students some questions about reading: Do you like reading in your free time?/What kind of books would you like to read best?/... (2) The teacher introduces the novel Gulliver’s Travels and its author to the students with the help of pictures. 2. Look and answer The teacher shows students a picture and asks: What catches your eyes most in the picture? The possible answer can be: What impresses me most is the characters’ sizes: the huge Gulliver and the small men. 【设计意图:介绍作品与作者,根据小说篇名预测书中主角,并通过图片使学生认识到故事人物视觉形象上的强烈冲突。】 Step 2 Understanding the whole story 1. Para 1 The teacher asks the following questions to help the students understand this paragraph: (1) What do you think of Gulliver in this paragraph, lucky or unlucky? Why? (



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