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与 send 相关的短语 下面是 整理的与 send 相关的短语,希望对大家有帮助。 与 send 相关的短语: send sb packing 叫某人卷铺盖 ;撵某人走 send away (to sb)(for sth)= send off (for sth) send for sb 请某人帮忙 (send for a doctor) send for sth 让人带来某物 send sb forth 派往、派遣 send forth sth 发出 (声音、信号 ) send sb in (send in sb) 派某人去 (应付困难局面 ) sebd sth in (send in sth) 寄去 (处理 ) send off(for sth);send away (to sb)(for sth) 邮购 send sb off (send off sb) ( 比赛)罚某人下场 send sth off(send off sth) 寄出,发出 与 send 相关的短语二: send down 【多用于英国】 To suspend or dismiss from a university. 开除:从大学中停止学籍或开除 send for To request to come by means of a message or messenger; 1 summon. 召唤:通过通讯或送信人请求 hellip; 来;传唤 send in To cause to arrive or to be delivered to the recipient: 使递送:使 hellip; 到达或被传送到接受者: Let#39;s send in a letter of protest. 让我们递送一封抗议信 Sports To put (a player) into or back into a game or contest: 【体育运动】 送选手参加比赛:送 (选手 )进入或回到比赛或竞 赛: The coach is sending in the kicker. 教练正在送踢球者参加比赛 To cause (someone) to arrive in or become involved in a particular place or situation: 使陷入:使 (某人 )到达或陷入特别的场所或环境: The commander sent in the sappers. It#39;s time to send in the lawyers. 指挥员派去工兵。是该去找律师的时候了 send up 【非正式用语】 To send to jail: 判刑:送入监狱: 2 was sent up for 20 years. 被判刑 20 年 To make a parody of: 拙劣地模仿: “grandiloquently eccentric but witty verbiage . . . that would send up the nastiness of suburban London ”(New York) “夸张古怪但巧妙的措词 hellip; 是对伦敦市民的庸俗的拙劣 的模仿” (纽约 ) send flying 【非正式用语】 To caus


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