They Shall Not Grow Old《他们已不再变老(2018)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

They Shall Not Grow Old《他们已不再变老(2018)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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我青春的每一寸时光 'I gave every part of my youth 都献给了一场野蛮的战争 to do a job and to go through a savage war.' 这场战争持续了很多年 'It was a different war from year to year 并且每个人对它态度都不尽相同 and one's reactions were completely different. 这场战争强度变化十分剧烈 The intensity changed so much that 倘若一名军人1914年退伍回家 anybody who'd been out in 1914 1917年又重新回到战场 and went home, then came back in 1917, 他完全认不出来这是同一场战争 wouldn't recognise it as the same war.' 我只说一件事 我绝不会错过它的 'I could only say one thing: I wouldn't have missed it. 有时它的确很可怕 但是我绝不会错过 It was terrible at times, but I wouldn't have missed it.' 没错 要是可以重新来过 'Oh, yes, if I could have my time again, 我会选择重新经历一遍 I'd go through it all over again 因为我很享受服役的日子 because I enjoyed the service life.' 我想说我这辈子从来没有那么兴奋过 'I could only say that I have never been so excited in my life. 感觉就像是一个男孩第一次玩游戏一样 This was like a boy going to the play for the first time.' 我从没觉得这有什么不正常的 'I never realised there was anything unusual about it. 有一项工作需要人去做 你就去了 There was a job to be done and you just got on and did it.' 我们被灌输的思想就是 'We were all instilled with that idea 这是场战争 我们必须杀死德国人 that this was war and that we'd got to kill the Germans 我们就是这样看待这件事的 and this was how we looked at the thing.' 我不曾后悔有这样的经历 'I don't regret having experienced it. 我希望我没经历过 但是我并不后悔 I wish I hadn't, but I don't regret it, 因为我很安全 because I'm safe. ' 在法国的时候 有好时光也有不好的时光 'There were good times and bad times in France, 但是你要不以物喜 不以己悲 but you took the rough with the smooth.' 我有两次负伤和中毒气 但是我并不担心 'I was twice wounded and gassed, but it just didn't worry me. 我只能尽力做到最好 I just made the best of it.' 像其他人一样 从容面对 'Just took it in its stride, like everybody else. 我们很高兴能参与其中 都以为会很艰难 We were glad to be in it and we expected it to be rough, 也的确很艰难 但是没有人抱怨 and it was rough, but we didn't complain.' 没什么真正值得兴奋的 'There was no real excitement about it. 在看过了无数的尸体 You'd seen death so many times, 见过无数的伤员之后 you'd seen wounded so many times, 血并不会让你感到兴奋 blood didn't excite you. 我们是专业的 We were professionals and, 对我们而言这只是一份工作而已 to us



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