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21叫总长58m。水轮机安装高程116. 32m,水轮机层地面高程118.76m,发电机层高程125.27m,装配场层高程130. 00m,高于下游校核洪水位129. 50mAbstract
The Wuxijiang hydiopower station is located m HuNan Town m ZheJiang province ‘which belongs to a chain of exploitation ?
Accoiding to the demand of topographic fbnn J choose diveision hydiopower station ? The geology condition is good .The main constniction conclude the water retauimg stmctuie (the conciete non -over-fall dam) ,the release works (the concrete over -fall dam) ,the diversion stmctuie (pressure seepage tuimel Jhe surge-chamber) ,and the surface power station ?
The check level is 239.5m Jts coiTesponding flow is 9700m3/s ? The design water level is 238.2 m Jts conespondmg flow amount is 5500 m3/s. The regulaf water retauimg level is 231 ?5m ?
The dam site is near the former saddle ?The crest elevation of the non-over-fall dam is 241 m ,and the base elevation is 113.0m ,The max height of the dam is 128m , The upstream dam slope is 1:0.2 Jhe downstieam dam slop is 1:0.76 ,the spillway crest elevation is 225m ?
The mducer of the seepage tuimel is located at the recess place .The length of tuimel is 1200m ,the diametric of which is 9.1 m ?The surge-cliambef is located at the mountam , which is 200m fiom the work shop building and is type is diffeiential motion.
The workshop building is located at downstream Jhe design level of the turbine is 99.38 m , the equipped capacitoi is 4x4.5 =18kw ,the clean width is 21m , its whole length is58m ? The fix level of the turbine is 116.32 m , the height of hydraulic tfbme is 118.76m, and the height of dynamo is 125.27m , the level of the adjustment bay is higher (and lugher than the downstream water level 129.50m)? So it isn^ necessary to set up in the lower leaches of the letaiiung wall.
Near the workshop building , there are switch station and the main transfonner and so on.
In addition, the design stnicture of the surge tank is also calculated and plotted the surge tank layout
Key words: water control; water retaining s
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