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精品学习资料 名师归纳总结——欢迎下载 ..高校英语总分: 1001( 高起专 ) 阶段性作业分得分: 0 分3一,完型填空Can you imagine how you would feel if you feel serious ill and could notcommunicate your need for a doctor. Millions of people throughout the world are in this unfortunate (1) . They live in distantplaces (2) there are no railways, proper roads or telephones; farfrom means of communication that we take for grated. Many thousandsof (3) are lost every year, which could have been saved if medicalattention had been provided in time. Even today help could be broughtquickly and .. 高校英语 总分: 100 1( 高起专 ) 阶段性作业 分得分: 0 分 3 一,完型填空 Can you imagine how you would feel if you feel serious ill and could not communicate your need for a doctor. Millions of people throughout the world are in this unfortunate (1) . They live in distant places (2) there are no railways, proper roads or telephones; far from means of communication that we take for grated. Many thousands of (3) are lost every year, which could have been saved if medical attention had been provided in time. Even today help could be brought quickly and easily (4) many of these people (5) full advantage was taken of the airplane. (6) ountry has proved this greater use of the airplane more than Australia. The Australians (7) than any (8) people in the world. The total number of miles flown by the average person living in Australia is higher than any other country in the world. It has been said that Australians jumps into planes (9) people in other countries jump into their automobiles or trains or buses. It is not surprising, (10) , that Australia should have been the first country to initiate a Flying Doctor Service.(50 分) 1). (A) society (B) world (C) position (D) way 2). (A) which (B) because ;,. 第 1 页,共 7 页 精品学习资料 名师归纳总结——欢迎下载 ..(C)although(D)where3).(A)people(B)children(C)lives(D)families4).(A)from(B)to(C)in(D)with5).(A)if only(B)but(C)and(D)useless6).;,. .. (C) although (D) where 3). (A) people (B) children (C) lives (D) famili


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