The Greatest Movie Ever Sold《有史以来卖得最好的电影(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold《有史以来卖得最好的电影(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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现在无论你看向任何地方 Everywhere you look these days, 都好像有在人试图向你兜售些什么 it seems like someones trying to sell you something. 在广hearts;告hearts;牌 海报 贴纸上 On billboards, posters, stickers, 电梯里 加油站 飞机上 elevators, gas pumps, airplanes, 纸杯 纸巾 咖啡托 衣架上 cups, napkins, coffee holders, wire hangers. 甚至是卫生间里 Even bathrooms. 在过去 当有人真的试图 See, it used to be that when 向你兜售些什么的时候 someone really wanted to sell you something, 他们依赖于传统的30秒电视广hearts;告hearts; they could rely on the good old fashioned 30-second TV spot. 他喜欢这个耶 哟 米奇 He likes it! Hey, Mikey! 但是多谢于发明了这个... But thanks to the invention of this... 和这个... And this... 现在正爆发着一场互联网革命 Theres a revolution going on called Internet. 我们越来越少人能耐着性子看完这些 Fewer and fewer of us are actually sitting through these. 当你的男人更有雄性魅力就像古风香水的时候 Anything is possible 一切就皆有可能了 when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. 所以一个商海中苦苦挣扎的小型企业 So hows a poor, struggling multimillion-dollar corporation 怎样才能让你知晓他们的存在呢 supposed to let you know they even exist? 欢迎来到由星巴克赞助的早间乔闻 Hey, welcome to Morning Joe, brewed by Starbucks! 我们有一个特别来宾 We do have a special guest. 不好意思 让我先抿一小口我的星巴克 Excuse me, Im just going to have a sip here of my Starbucks. 请便 There you go. 欢迎来到品牌大集hearts;合hearts;的新世界 Welcome to the brave new world of brand integration. 但是也许你熟悉它的传统名字... But you may know it by its old school name... 匡威 2004复古款 Converse All Stars, vintage 2004. ...植入式广hearts;告hearts; ...product placement. 你应该来杯健力士啤 You can use a Guinness. 如今的植入式广hearts;告hearts;是一门价值数十亿的产业 Today product placement is a multibillion dollar industry 它为电影提供大量资金 that generates hard cash for movies, 也为品牌创造新形象 creates new identities for brands, 但最重要的是 but most importantly, 它呈递了市场营销与联合推广的圣杯 delivers the holy grail of marketing, co-promotion. 正是联合推广将一部普普通通的电影 You see, co-promotion is what takes a regular movie 摇身一变成了院线的重磅炸hearts;弹hearts; and turns it into a blockbuster. 就拿钢铁侠来说 Take Iron Man. 那电影有超过14个合作品牌 That movie had more than 14 brand partners. 从炸裂汉堡王 到胡椒博士的钢铁侠造型罐 Everything from a Whiplash Whopper, to Iron Man D



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