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前情提要 Previously on Continuum... 警♥察♥! 别动! Police! Freeze! 我的制♥服♥坏了 My suit is damaged. 你对它做了什么? What did you do to it? 我们约定 Let's make a pact... 彼此间再无秘密 no more secrets from each other. 百分百诚实 怎样? 100 percent honesty, what do you think? 有些时候你需要做错误的事情 Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing 为了正确的原因 for the right reason. 时间旅行装置的那个组件不见了 The piece of the time travel device is missing. 凯洛格... Kellogg... 革命由此开始 The revolution starts here. 这变得更为复杂了 This just got a lot more complicated. 在目前的测试阶段 In the current round of testing, 我们将研究的重心放在如何使用光谱 we are focusing on ways of using light spectra 来压制罪犯的攻击性行为 to neutralize aggressive behaviour in criminals. 这个产品有多先进? How far advanced is the product? 非常先进 Advanced. 我们发现士兵是最为理想的试验品 We found soldiers to be the ideal test subjects 因为他们具有相当高的攻击性 due to their elevated levels of aggression. 不仅如此 他们还与赛德科技签订了 And since they're indentured to Sadtech 二十年的合约 for 20 years of service, 因此我们有很多热情的志愿者 we have many eager volunteers. 让他们欣赏一下吧 Show them how it works. 不是真的吧 No freakin' way. 啊!!!!!!! Aaargh!!!!!!! 不要开枪 Hold your fire. 现在你们可以开枪了 Now you can fire. 开玩笑的 Just kidding. 每一头野兽都能即刻被驯服或让其发动攻击 Every tiger can be instantly tamed or made to attack. 我们所需要做的只是确认 All that's required is to identify 然后刺♥激♥相应的神经元 and then stimulate the corresponding neurons. 通过以重复模式和振动来刺♥激♥大脑 By stimulating the brain with repetitive patterns and vibrations, 我们发现这样实际上就可以控制 we have found that you can actually control 一个人的大脑状态并且植入具体想法 a person's state of mind and implant specific thoughts. 请看 Observe. 单脚站立 Stand on one leg. 退后! Stay back! 退后! Stay back! 我 我们还有些问题需要解决 W-we still have a-a few kinks to work out 但是我能向你们保证 but I can assure you 这个将会安全的像只小羊羔 this will be as safe as a baby lamb. 格雷格 莫莱兹! Greg Muretz! 你疯了么? Are you nuts? 你为什么没戴防护眼镜就来这儿? What are you doing out here without eye protection? 对不起 Sorry. 不! No! 怎么回事? What the hell, man? 跑啊 跑啊 跑啊! Go, go, go! 嗯... Mmm... 我来了 Okay, I'm here. 什么事情那么紧急没法儿等? What was so


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