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Should I compare thee to a summer's day? 欲将芳容比长夏 Thou art more lovely. 而你比它更可爱(莎士比亚) You're laughing at that? 你觉得这好笑么? I am allowed to laugh. 我还不能笑了么 It's him! It's Rudy 2! 是他! 鲁迪2号♥! Stand back! 退后点! Are you a doctor? 你是个医生? I'm an electrician. 我是个电工 There's someone inside of there? 有人被困在这里面了? Yeah. 是啊 It's someone with a power. 一个有超能力的人 All right, mate. 你好吗 朋友 Who's that on top of the building? 楼顶上那个是谁? Maybe it's you. 或许是你呢 What if we all become superheroes? 万一咱们都变成超级英雄了呢? What you doing? Noth... Nothing. 你干什么呢? 没...没事 Shit, I'm sorry, I just... I thought it was his neck. 见鬼 不好意思 我...还以为摸的是他脖子 Leah? 莉亚? I can hear you. I know you're in there. 我能听见 我知道你在里面 Leah! 莉亚! I know something happened to you in the storm. 我知道那场风暴的时候你出了事 Something happened to me, too. 我自己也出事了 I've been going to this group... 我一直在参加这个小组... It's for people like us. 都是我们这样的人 You don't have to go through it on your own. 你不用自己承受这一切 We could go together. 我们可以一起去 I miss hanging out with you. 我都好久没跟你一起了 Call me. 打给我 Leah? 莉亚? From man-to-smaller-man, 男人给矮人的忠告 you're never going to get over this childish infatuation with Jess 你永远都过不了对杰茜的这份幼稚迷恋 until you find a girl who looks up at you with little puppy-dog eyes 除非你找到一个特别崇拜你的妞 and says the words, 跟你说 "Your tiny little cock tastes like marmalade, Finlay." "你的微型小鸡鸡吃起来好像橘子酱呀 费利" Now, look at her - she looks like a fun girl. Eh? 你看看她 看起来不错 Lady Marmalade! 橘子酱小妞! Some people say tears are the best form of lubricant. 有人说 眼泪是最好的润滑剂 No-one says that. 没人会那么说 Oh...Jesus Ow! 噢...天啊 哦! Sorry. I'm so... 抱歉 我真的... Lubricant! 润滑剂! It's the best form of lubricant. 那绝对是最好的润滑剂 Better than tears... 比眼泪要好... ...marmalade. 橘子酱 Because it's more lubricating... 因为那个更润滑... Just fuck off! 快滚吧! Tea? 茶? Hope it starts soon - got work to do. 希望能快点开始 我还要工作呢 Bloody paperwork - never stops, eh? 该死的文书工作 没完没了 I know. 就是啊 What d'you do? Probation worker. 你干嘛的? 监督官 Oh, my God, I'm...I'm so sorry. 噢 老天爷 对...对不起 Oh, my God. 噢 我的天 I was just goin



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