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If 与 whether 的区别归纳 whether 和 if 表示“是否”时,两者一般可通用。例如: ① I dont know whether/if they will come to help us. 我不知道他们是否来帮助我们。 ② I am not sure whether/if Ill have time to go with you. 我很难说我们是否有时间跟你们一起去。 ③ He asked me whether I could lend him my bike. ④ Could you tell us whether/if it snows in winter in Australia? ⑤ I want to know whether/if you can come or not? 但在以下情况下只能用 whether : 1)在表语从句中 The question is whether the film is worth seeing. The key point is whether you are fit for the dresses. 关键是你适不适合 穿那些裙子。 2 )在同位语从句中 The news whether our team has won the match is unknown. Answer my question whether you are coming. 要不要嫁给我,请给我一个明确的答案。 Please give me an obvious answer whether you are willing to marry me. 3 )在主语从句中 Whether we shall attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet. =It hasnt been decided yet whether we shall attend the meeting. 姚明是否退役是前天人们关注的焦点 . Whether YaoMing would retire was the focus of attention the day before yesterday. 如果用 it 作形式主语,则 whether 和 if 都可以引导主语从句。 如: It hasnt been decided whether/if we shall attend the meeting. 4 )在介词之后 (介词往往可以省略) It all depends (on) whether they will support us. I am not interested in whether youll come or not. 你来不来我不感兴趣。 5 )后面直接跟动词不定式,即 whether to do He doesnt know whether to stay or not. 他不能知道是否要留下来。 She doesnt know whether to get married now or wait. 是否现在结婚或是等待她不知道。 6 )后面紧接 or not ,即 whether or not We didnt know whether or not she was ready. 注意:当 or not 不是紧跟在其后时,两个都可以用。 I dont care whether or not your car break down. =I dont care whether/if your car break down or not. 7 )用 if 会引起歧义时 Please let me know if you like it. 这句话有两种意思: “请告诉我你是否喜欢”或“如果你喜欢,请告诉我。 ”用了 whether 就可以避免歧义。 8 )宾语从句放在句首表示强调时 (所有从句提前表示 “是否 时都用 whether;if 引导从句放在句首时表示“如果” ) Whether they can finish the work on tim



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