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well, with the effectiveness of servi ces to defend t he interests of the masse s. Third, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal result s, the key is to k now the la w, to grasp t he laws a nd usi ng laws. Office of economic dev elopment, social progress, there are r ules to foll ow. Only act a ccording to the la w, to ov ercome blindne ss and strengt heni ng initiative, creative. Working i n the Office , we should be good at analy zing the e sse nce of thing s, to find reg ular thi ng, change from pa ssive to a ctive, to seek one. I nvestee 2. e stabli shment of evaluation system. Evaluati on system is e sse ntiall y an incentive mechani sm, the eval uation was obje ctive and fair, reasona ble, and ca n stimulate a persons e nergy, m obili zing peoples e nthusiasm or be mislea ding, dampene d the e nthusiasm of pe opl e. At prese nt, the conce pt of pe ople -ori ented people, but to esta blish and perfect eval uation system is still lagging be hind. Work in this area should be seri ously caug ht up. Three em phasi s on to take advantage of. Is a focus on standar ds a nd scientifi c. A fundame ntal point of the evaluation criteri a, is to kee p conta ct, devel opme nt, comprehensiv e eye evaluati on of cadres. Office w ork, both record and pote ntial performa nce; bot h subje ctive efforts, take anot her l ook at the objective conditi on; bot h pragmatic enough, take anot her look at the retreat level. Second, focus on partici pating t he brea dth of th e subje ct. Evaluati on of cadres m ust give full play t o dem ocracy, ca dres a nd t he masse s ha ndi ng over eval uation. Office w ork servi ces lea dership a nd service base, serve t he people, the n nominate d the main object w ill contain a variety of services, so t hat asse ssment wa s accurate a nd to av oid one -si dedness. Thir d, pay attenti on t o the seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on findings i s mainly em bodied i n hi s dire ction. Permitted to choose one, it


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