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八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleHeroes)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleHeroes)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleHeroes)(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .单项选择 1. The classroom is ________ so he walks ________ . A.quite ;quiteB.quiet ;quietlyC.quietly ; quiteD.quietly ;quietly 答案: B 句意为“教室很寂静,所以他静静静地走着”。第一个空是形容词作表语,第二个空是副词修饰动词。 2. When I was young, I wanted to be ________Olympic winner. D./ 答案: BOlympic 以元音音素开头,要用 an 修饰。 3. What about ________ a dinner together? 答案: AWhat about 后边能够加名词或动名词形式,表示“(做) 怎么样?” 4. Yang Liwei is the first man ________ the moon. A.to step 答案: A 句中的 to do sth.作定语,修饰前方的 the first man 。 5. One of the best teachers in our class________ born in Shanghai. 答案: C 本句真实的主语是 one of..., 是单数观点。“出生”发生在过去,用 was。 6. Mao Zedong is remembered ________ his greatness. 答案: Cbe remembered for...是固定搭配,含义是“因 而 /怀念”。 7. He gave his life to ________ Chinese soldiers. B.helpingC.for helping 答案: Bgive one’s life to 中的 to 是介词,后边要接动词 -ing 形式。 8. He learned hard ________ he could go to a good university. D.so that 答案: D 句意为“他努力学习,就是为了能上一个好大学”。 in order to 能够指引目的状 语,可是后边接动词原形,假如改为 in order that 就能够。 9. They are having a meeting in the next room, so we must do everything ________. 答案: D 由于“近邻在开会,所以我们要寂静”。本句中需要一个副词修饰前方的动词 do, 所以用 quietly 。 10. Jim is so clever that he can do everything ________. 答案: A 副词修饰动词的用法,句意为“他是这样聪慧,以致做什么事都很简单”。 Ⅱ .用适合的介、副词填空 1.I like Qi Baishi because he ’ s good ________ drawing. 答案: at 2.Mulan dresses ________ a man and saves her people instead of his father. 答案: as 3.Norman Bethune gave his own life ________ Chinese people. 答案: for 1/11 4.Jackie Chan was born ________ 1950. 答案: in 5.Norman Bethune is still remembered ________ both Canada and China. 答案: in 6.She is too little so you must look ________ her. 答案: after 7.________the First World War, he saved a lot of persons. 答案: In 8.He also wrote books so that doctors could learn ________ new treatments. 答案: about 9.He is remembered ________ his work as a doctor. 答案: for 10.________ the end, he lost his job. 答案: In Ⅲ .用所给


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