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八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleTraditionallife(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleTraditionallife(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleTraditionallife(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .依据首字母和汉语提示达成单词 1.In the USA,when you get a present,you must open it i . 答案: immediately 2.In China,when someone gives you a present,you must w and open it later. 答案: wait 3.When you (接受) a present,you must use both hands. 答案: accept 4.You mustn ’ t do anyc on the first day of the Chinese New Year. 答案: cleaning 5.In China,people eat lots of d at Spring Festival. 答案: dumplings 6.When you are in public,you m talk too loudly. 答案: mustn’t 7.People usually shake h with others when they meet for the first time. 答案: hands ’礼s貌(的 ) to wait for everyone to put some food on their plates. 答案: polite 9.The man and the woman can ’ t see each other the night before婚礼the). ( 答案: wedding 10.Joan and Chris got m last year.How happy they are! 答案: married Ⅱ .依据所给汉语提示达成句子(每空一词) 11.用餐时,你必定不要立刻开始吃。 答案: At 。 mustn’t; eating 12.夜晚 9:00 后不准留在户外。 答案: mustn’t stay out after 13.十六岁不可以开车。 答案: can’t drive。 at the age of 14.你一定准时达成作业。 You finish y 答案: must。on time 15.当你去人家中拜见时,你一定做什么? you do you visit at home ? 答案: What must 。when。 16.在公共场合你必定不要高声说话。 答案: 。 in 17.人们往常举起杯子并说 “干杯 People usually their glasses and say ! “ 1 / 5 答案: raise。 Cheers 18.女子必定不要准时抵达教堂而稍晚几分钟。 答案: .mustn ’t arrive at。on。 late 19.何时是一年中成婚的最好时间? 答案: best。 to。 20.当有人与你握手时,你说什么? When hands you,what do you say? 答案: 。with Ⅲ.单句改错(每句均有一处错误) 21.The woman said the earth went round the sun. 答案: went→goes 答案: didn ’t →not 答案: borrow →keep 答案: do→deal 答案: begun→been on Ⅳ.动词填空 答案: be 答案: is。 to think 28.— —I (not know).Let me go and s 答案: is knocking,don ’t know 答案: to hear,have passed 答案: to eat 答案: to go 32.My son (be) three years old next year. 答案: will be 33.— — 答案: Have。 had。 had 答案: dancing 答案: not turn 2 / 5 Ⅰ.单项选择 答案: B pass the exam。 A.to talk 答案: A It ’adjs+. +to do sth.构造。 答案: B on the plate。 B.a little 答案: B a little 一“点儿 ”,修饰不行数名词。 答案: B politely 是副词,修饰动词。 6.— — A.can ’t B.mustn ’t C.


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