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八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleTheweather(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleTheweather(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleTheweather(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .词汇与短语 A.英汉互译 1.at the moment 答案: 此刻。这时;那时 如何呢? 答案: What about...? 3.take photos 答案: 摄影 4.整年 答案: all year 5.arrive in 答案: 抵达(大地方) 6.依赖 答案: depend on 7.in the east 答案: 在东方 8.最好的 答案: best of all 9.in the holidays 答案: 在假日里 10.在周末 答案: at the weekend B.依据首字母和汉语提示达成单词 11.The USA is a very big country to ( 观光 ). 答案: visit 12.The best plan is to a in New England in September. 答案: arrive 13.Xinjiang is in the ( 西北 ) of China. 答案: northwest 14.We should remember to w some warm clothes in winter. 答案: wear 15.Tom is very lazy.He is late for school from time ttime. 答案: to Ⅱ .句型变换(每空一词) ’ s the weather like today?( 改为同义句 ) the weather today? 答案: How is ’ s the weather like today?( 用 the day after tomorrow 来取代 today 改写句子 ) the weather the day after tomorrow? 答案: What will 。be like 18.It ’ s always cold in February,?( 达成反意疑问句 ) 答案: isn’ t it 1 / 5 19.The ice is so thin.We can ’ t skate on the ice.(改为同义句 ) The ice is thin to . 答案: too。 skate on ’ ve learned over two thousand English words.( 对画线部分发问 ) English words you ? 答案: How many 。 have。 learned 21.It ’ s cold in winter in Beijing.( 对画线部分发问 ) in winter in Beijing? 答案: What’ s the weather like 或 How is the weather 22.Mr.King bought the bike two weeks ago. (改为同义句) Mr.King the bike two weeks. 答案: has had。 for 23.I think it ’ s very cold in Beijing now.( 改为否认句 ) I think it ’s very cold Beijing now. 答案: don’ t。 in 24.I don ’ t think there will be a film next Sunday,?( 达成反意疑问句 ) 答案: will there 25.How long have you known each other?( 改为同义句 ) did you to each other? 答案: When 。 get。know Ⅲ .依据所给汉语提示达成句子(每空一词) 26.10 月份抵达北京是最好的注意。 The idea is to Beijing in October. 答案: best。 arrive in 27.带你的相机来是个不错的想法,由于你也许要拍下秋叶的风景。 It ’ s a good idea your camera you may want of the autumn leaves. 答案: to take。for 。to take photos 28.春天去北京游乐是件令人快乐的事情。 It ’ s visit Beijing in spring. 答案: pleasant to 29.我相信我的梦想总有一天会实现的。 I ’ m my dre


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