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八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleLaoShe’sTeahouse(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleLaoShe’sTeahouse(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleLaoShe’sTeahouse(附详细解析) 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ.词汇 A.依据首字母和汉语提示达成单词 1.The play Teahouse shows the a 答案: audience  达标测试 life in China between 1898 and 1945. 2.Lao She was b in Beijing in 1899. 答案: born 3.Las She was n a “ People ’ s Artist ” and “ Great Master of Language ”. 答案: named 4.Teahouse gives a wonderful w to everyone from China and from all over the world. 答案: welcome 5.The captain falls in love with Maria and m her. 答案: marries 6.The story brings the audience to the end of the ( 抗日 答案: 7.The girl is very pretty and she sings very ( 优美 ). 答案: beautifully 8.The story starts in 1898 ( 在 时期 ) the Qing Dynasty. 答案: during 9.He wrote many plays, ( 小说 ) and short stories. 答案: novels 10.The boy often practises p football with his classmates. 答案: playing B.用所给单词的正确形式填空 11.She (want) to see some Beijing Opera,didn ’ t she? 答案: wanted 答案: planned 13.Jack runs (quick) than Jim. 答案: more quickly 14.Teachers don ’ t like us (be) late for school. 答案: to be 15.What do you say about (travel) by bike? 答案: traveling Ⅱ.句型变换(每空一词) 16.Sally went to Lao She ’ s Teahouse last对画night线部.(分发问 答案: When did 。go 17.The man has to stay at home.(改为否认句 答案: doesn’t have to 18.The boy was reading English when the teacher came in.( 对画线部分发问 1 / 5 答案: What was。doing 19.She ’ s put away her books,?(达成反意疑问句答案: hasn’t she 20.Tom ’ s mother taught him to read and write对.(画线部分发问 Tom’ s mother him ? 答案: What did 。 teach。 to do Ⅲ.单句改错(每句均有一个错误) 21.The woman has been to England for three years. 答案: to →in 22.I think I ’ ve gone there once. 答案: gone→been 23.Mr.Wang taught our maths last year. 答案: our →us 24.This is my first visit for Beijing. 答案: for →to 25.Miss Wang with her students have gone to the factory. 答案: have→has Ⅳ.依据所给汉语提示达成句子(每空一词) 26.这个故事发生在 1938 年的奥地利。 答案: took place in 。 in 27.最后,这名男子热恋于这名女子并娶了她。 , 答案: In the end。 fell in love 。 married 28.老舍是 20 世纪中国最有名的作家之一。 答案: writers 。 twentieth century 29.我


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