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八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleFriendship)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleFriendship)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleFriendship)(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .英汉互译 1.趁便说一下 ________________________________________ 答案: by the way 2.别挂断(电话) ________________________________________ 答案: hold the line/hold on 3.和某人交朋友 ________________________________________ 答案: make friends with sb. 4.一每日地 ________________________________________ 答案: day by day 5.担忧 ________________________________________ 答案: worry about... 6.a couple of________________________________________ 答案: 两个,几个 7.in fact ________________________________________ 答案: 实质上 8.far away________________________________________ 答案: 遥远的 答案: 记得以前做过某事 答案: 听到某人正在做某事 Ⅱ .用适合的介副词填空 1.May I speak ________ Linda? 答案: to 2.I ’ m here some classmates. 答案: with 3.They will be there in a couple ________days. 答案: of 4.Gook luck ________ your final examination. 答案: with 5.Sally wants to make friends ________ a cute girl. 答案: with 6.I couldn ’ t talk anyone ________ my problem. 答案: to,about 7.He looked at me and,________ a word,smiled. 答案: without 8.So smile ________ the world and it will smile back. 答案: at 9.Day ________ day,I became closer to everyone. 答案: by 1 / 9 Ⅲ .把下边句子变为间接引语 1.My mother said to me, “ I will wait for you after class at the gate. ” ________________________________________ 答案: My mother said to me she would wait for me after class at the gate. 2.My English teacher said, “ You are-workingahardstudent. ” ________________________________________ 答案: My English teacher said I was a hard-working student. 3.He asked, “ Can I help you? ” ________________________________________ 答案: He asked whether/ if he could help me. 4.The foreigner said, “ Where is the nearest bank? ” ________________________________________ 答案: The foreigner asked where the nearest bank was. 5.She said, “ Do you agree? ” ________________________________________ 答案: She asked if / whether I agreed. Ⅳ .用所给词的适合形式填空 1.The people in Beijing are very ________(friend). 答案:


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