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八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleJourneytoMars(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleJourneytoMars(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版上册达标测试ModuleJourneytoMars(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ.依据首字母和汉语提示达成单词 1.My brother has a finished his homework. 答案: already 2.Have you been to the school library r? 答案: recently 3.Now let ’ s (分享 )the bread with them. 答案: share 4.Why does Tony know so much about space ( 旅游 )? 答案: travel 5.Have you heard the (最新 )news? 答案: latest Ⅱ .句型变换 (每空一词 ) 6.They heard a message from a spacecraft.(用 just 改为此刻达成时态形式 ) Theyjust a message from a spacecraft. 答案: have。 heard 7.Have you got a letter from Lucy?( 改为同义句 ) Have you Lucy? 答案: .heard from 8.To understand the problem is very difficult.( 用 it 作为形式主语 ) very difficult understand the problem. 答案: It is 。 to 9.I came here two days ago.( 改为同义句 ) I here two days. 答案: have been。 for 10.Her mother has been to Hong Kongseveral times.( 就画线部分发问 ) has her mother been to Hong Kong? 答案: How many times Ⅲ .依据汉语提示达成句子 (每空一词 ) 11.科学家们以为世界上存有生命已有几百万年的历史了。 Scientists there has been life for years. 答案: think that 。 on Elions of 12.我们还没有在其余行星上发现生命。 We haven’ t on other . 答案: found life 。planets 13.科学家们已经在宇宙中发现了很多其余星系。 Scientists many other in the . 答案: have discovered。 galaxies。 universe 14.弄清楚宇宙有多大是困难的。 It is hard large the is. 答案: to understand how 。universe 15.为何没有人从其余行星上给我们发送信息呢? Why has other planets us a message? 1 / 5 答案: no one from 。 sent 16.飞机已经抵达了吗? the plane ? 答案: Has。arrived yet 17.我听闻你父亲母亲到北京出差去了。 I hear your father and mother Beijing. 答案: have been to。on business 18.你感觉这本小说怎么样? the novel? 答案: What do you think of 19.你在忙什么呢? are you ? 答案: What。 up to 20.请记着给我回信。 Please write me. 答案: remember to。 back to Ⅳ .单句改错 (每句均有一处错误 ) 21.I have arrived here for three days. 答案: arrived →been 22.Look!The boys are visitting the Great Wall. 答案: visitting →visiting 23.It ’ s very important learn English well. 答案: learn →to learn 24.How do you think of the city? 答案: How→What ’ ve heard the newest news. 答案: newest →latest 26.I have caught these fish for about an hour. 答案


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