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八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(Module《Myperfectholiday》(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(Module《Myperfectholiday》(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(Module《Myperfectholiday》(附详细解析) 英语: Module 10《My perfect holiday》达标测试(外研版八年级下) 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .短语互译 1.Don ’ t be silly! ________ 答案: 别傻了! 2.stay in touch________ 答案: 保持联系 3.on business ________ 答案: 出差 4.as soon as ________ 答案:一 就 5.not...until ________ 答案: 直到 才 6.待在家里 ________ 答案: stay at home 7.一个十四岁的女孩 ________ 答案: a 14-year-old boy 8.这样 致使 ________ 答案: so...that... 9.上大学 ________ 答案: go to college 10.以我的看法 ________ 答案: in my opinion Ⅱ .单项选择 1.I wouldn ’ t go by plane.I ________ like flying. A.doesn ’t B.don ’t C.wouldn ’t D.didn ’t 答案: B 后半句陈说的是主语 “I的”爱好,应当用一般此刻时,主语是第一人称,用 don’t否认。 2.I would go to California in ________. A.the USA C.the America 1/14 答案: A 美国能够用 America, 也能够用 the USA 来表示,注意缩写的形式前方必定要用 the。 3.I am very ________in playing football. 答案: C be interested in sth./doing sth. 是固定短语,含义是 “对感兴趣 ”。 4.I would like ________ you on Monday. B.to see 答案: B would like to do sth. 是固定搭配,含义是 “想要做某事 ”。 5.I don ’ t know ________ in the new school. 答案: D 句意为 “在新学校我不认识任何人 ”。anyone 用在必定句中意为 “任何人 ”。 6.My friends are always happy ________ me. B.to see 答案: B be happy to do sth. 很高“兴做某事 ”。 7.I am good at drawing ________ I am not good at singing. B.so that 答案: C 从句意上看,前后应当是转折关系 ,故用连词 but 。 8.She is working so ________that she could speak English well. working 答案: A 本句中所选的词应当用来修饰 work, 要用副词修饰动词。 hardly 意为 “几乎不 ”, good 和 hard- working 是形容词。 9.There are a lot of people but I feel ________. C.all alone 答案: D 句意为 “这里有好多人,但我感觉孤单 ”,feel lonely表示一种感觉, alone 表示单独一人。 10.Do you like playing ________ basketball. C./ 答案: C play basketball 是固定短语,中间不加任何冠词。 Ⅲ .用所给短语的适合形式填空 in my opinion afraid of go skiing go on on business 2/14 1.Don ’ t stop! Let ’ s ________ reading it. 答案: go on 2.________,using cellphone has a lot of good effects ( 影响 ). 答案: In my opinion 3.My brother will go to New York________next week. 答案: on business 4.Don ’ t be ________ the dog.It is friendly


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