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八级英语下册期末冲刺复习题0 八级英语下册期末冲刺复习题0 八级英语下册期末冲刺复习题0 Unit 10 It ’s a nice day, isn ’t it? 词汇 small talk 闲谈 look through 阅读,迅速查察 a thank-you note 一封感谢信 be friendly to sb. 对某人友善 feel like (doing) sth. 想要(做) have a hard/difficult time doing sth 费了很大的劲做某事 come along 抵达,出现,随着来,赶忙 get along/ on 相处 at least 起码 短语与语法 注意:以下本单元语法反意疑问句简单考到的几个句型: 1. It looks like rain, doesn ’ t it? Yes, it does./No,看it起doesn来要下雨了 ,是吗 ?’t 2. He’ s really good, isn ’ t he? 他的确好 ,是吗 ? 3. You are new here, aren ’ t you? 你是新来的 , 是吗 ? 4. You have never been to Beijing, have you? ( never 表达否认含义 ,后边用一定 ) 5. She has few friends, does she? (few 表达否认含义 , 后边用一定 ) 6. Tom had little work to do, did he? (little 表达否认含义 ,后边用一定 ) 7. You can hardly do the work, can you? (hardly 表达否认含义 ,后边用一定 ) Let ’ s go home, shall we? 9. Don’ t be late again/Let us go home, will you?( 祈使句用 will you 。但 Let ’s开头的用 shall we) 10. Thank you so much for asking/inviting /having me!特别感谢你邀请我 How much does that shirt cost=How much is the shirt? 那件衬衣值多少钱 ? 人教新目标八年级英语(下)第十单元检测试卷 一、词汇考察。 用所给单词的适合形式填空。 1. I am sure that it ’ s a ___________ (rain) day tomorrow,hinkdo ysou? t 2. The day after tomorrow my grandmother is going to have her_______ (ninety) birthday. 3. This is a ___________ (sand) field, so you can ’ t plant any rice in it. 4. There is something wrong with my head, I am not ____________ (I) today. 5. I have never ________________ (see) the film which is named “ Hero ”. B.依据首字母达成单词。 1. Lucy can do her homework a____________, she doesn ’ t want any help. 2. Tom told us he didn ’ t know the o_______________ question. 3. Everyone knows that the t________________ accident happened to Tom yesterday. I really want to have a w________________ time on the weekend. How w_______________ it is today! I can hardly open my eyes. 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空 。 Lily _____________ (write) back to them as soon as she hears from her parents. 2. Tim_____________ (be) a computer fan, won ’ t he? Everyone ____________ (not take) out the books until the teacher


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