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八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleOntheradio)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleOntheradio)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleOntheradio)(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .短语互译 1.close down ________________________________________ 答案: 停止播音,封闭 2.enjoy doing ________________________________________ 答案: 喜爱做某事 3.keep studying ________________________________________ 答案: 持续学习 4.come this way________________________________________ 答案: 这边来 5.look out for ________________________________________ 答案: 当心,当心 6.记得去做某事 ________________________________________ 答案: remember to do sth. 7.停止做某事 ________________________________________ 答案: stop doing sth. 8.在 岁时 ________________________________________ 答案: at the age of 9.亲身 ________________________________________ 答案: in person 10.别提它了 ________________________________________ 答案: Don’tmention it. Ⅱ .用适合的介词或副词填空 1.Thank you for taking us ________ the garden. 答案: around 2.What ________ the sports news? Is it interesting? 答案: about 3.I closed________ them and did my homework. 答案: down Ⅲ .用所给词的正确形式填空 1.I enjoy ________(skate) in winter. 答案: skating 2.What do you want ________(be) in the future? 答案: to be 3.I feel like ________(take) some pictures. 答案: taking 4.I am trying ________(catch) the bus. 答案: to catch 5.You need ________(write) an article for the newspaper. 答案: to write 1 / 9 我综合我发展 Ⅰ .听力 A.情形反响,听句子或问句,选择正确回答。 ’ m Mr Smith.C.My name is Tom Smith. 2.A.No,it ’ s not ours. B.History. C.Let ’ s take our books home. 3.A.She was sixteen years old. B.She is nice and kind. C.She was very young. 4.A.Excuse me.B.Have a good time. C.Certainly.Here you are. 5.A.No,it ’ s nothing serious. B.Thank you,doctor. C.Yes,a little better.Thanks. B.听短文 ,选择正确的答案。 6.A.Twenty. B.Thirty-three. C.Twenty-three. 7.A.Eighth floor. B.Eightieth floor. C.Eighteenth floor. 8.A.At eight. B.At half past seven. C.At half past eight. 9.A.A hundred metres.B.A hundred kilometres.C.Fifty metres. 10.A.Because she often gives them books. B.Because she often tells them stories. C.Because she often takes th


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