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八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleTimeoff)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleTimeoff)(附详细解析) 八级英语外研版下册册达标测试(ModuleTimeoff)(附详细解析) 达标测试 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ .英汉短语互译 1.照料,照看 ________________ 答案: look after 2.全中国 ________________ 答案: all over China 3.看起来像 ________________ 答案: look like 4.仿佛 ________________ 答案: as if 5.弄清 ________________ 答案: find out 6.climb up to________________ 答案: 爬上 7.know about________________ 答案: 认识 8.protect the environment ________________ 答案: 保护环境 9.be famous for________________ 答案: 由于 而有名 10.be dangerous ________________ 答案: 危险 Ⅱ .单项选择 1.Stop here! I heard someone ________. B.to shout 答案: Chear sb.doing sth.表示“听到某人正在做某事” ,shouting 和前方的 someone 之间是 逻辑上的主谓关系。 2.What happened ________ Lingling? 答案: BWhat happened to sb./sth.? 表示“某人或某物怎么了?”注意 happen 是个不及物动 词。没有被动语态。 3.I can ’ t walk.I was hurt too ________. 答案: B 要用副词修饰动词 hurt, A 、 C、 D 三项都是形容词。 4.Would you like something ________? A.to drink 答案: Asomething to drink 表示“一些喝的东西”,不定式作定语修饰 something。 5.David is taking Lingling to the ________ house. C.doctors ’ ’s 答案: D 此题考察名词全部格。由于 house 一般指个人的住所,因此应当用单数名词的所 有格形式。 1/10 6.Some of the animals are ________. 答案: Cdanger 和 endanger 都是名词形式, D 项单词不存在。 7.You should stay ________ when you meet something that you can ’ t imagine. B.at home 答案: D 句意为“当你碰到意想不到的事情时应当保持冷静” ,stay calm 意为“保持镇 静”。 8.Everyone should be ________ next time. C.more careful D.more carefully 答案: C 本句隐含着一个比较的含义 ,应当用比较级, be 后边应当用形容词作表语,因此选 C 项。 9.It is raining very ________ outside. 答案: Ahard 既是形容词又是副词, hardly 的含义是“几乎不”。 very 不用来修饰比较级和 最高等,清除 C、D 两项。 10.Although he lives ________,but he never feels ________. A.alone 。 alone B.lonely 。 lonelyC.lonely 。 alone 。 lonely 答案: Dalone 表示“单独一人”, lonely 表示“孤单的”。 Ⅲ .用适合的介副词填空 1.Who does she look ________? 答案: like 2.Lily and Lucy are talking ________ the phone. 答案: on 3.Mother is out.She let me look ________ the little cat. 答案: after 4.We are at the steps and we are climbing ________ to the village. 答案: up 5.The Yellowstone is very famous ________ its geysers. 答案:


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