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八级英语下册第8单元练习题及答案 八级英语下册第8单元练习题及答案 八级英语下册第8单元练习题及答案 2018 八年级英语下册第 7-8 单元练习题及答案 1、单项选择 (15 分) ( )1. In China, People like giving big gifts to __. A. someone else B. else someone C. other someone D. someone other ( )2. I like to dance ____sing an English song. A. rather than B. instead of C. over D. instead ( )3. My parents are ______ famous writers. A. all B. none C. both D. most ( )4. She is a ______ girl. A. thirteen years old B. thirteen year old C. thirteen-years -old D. thirteen-year-old ( )5. Singing English songs doesnt ____ you can speak English well. A. ways B. means C. mean D. know ( )6. Ellen _______ interest in playing football. A. becomes a B. is a C. takes an D. was an ( )7. --What should I get my grandma for her birthday? --- Why ___ you ____ a scarf? A. not, buy B. don ’ t, buy C. don ’ t, to buy D. not, to buy ( )8. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about ______ to visit your grandmother? A. go B. going C. to go D. gone ( ) 9. People don ’ t need to spend neymobuying gifts. A. too many B. much too C. too much D. many too ( )10. --When did you get the gift? -- _____ my _____ birthday. A. On, sixth B. In, sixth C. On, six D. In, six ( )11. This room is ____ small ____ hold these people. A. so, to B. too, that C. too, to D. such, that ( )12. Mother ____ me, while I ____ my dog ____. A. takes care well of, look after, good B. takes good care of, look after, well C. takes care good of, look well, after D. takes good care, look after, well ( )13. -- Why don ’ t you get the book? --That ’ s ____. A. not important enough B. not enough important C. enough not important D. important not enough ( )14. He rather than I _____ going to give away a gift to you on Christmas Day. A. is B. am C. are D. were ( )15. She is _____ teacher in our school. A. the most popular B. more popular C. popular D. less popular 1 / 5 2、完型填空: 10(四选一) When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman ( 爱尔兰人 ) was _____ them on TV in a hotel room. There was


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