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PAGE PAGE 24 浙江省外贸增长方式转型研究 摘要:改革开放以来,浙江省对外贸易取得了巨大成就,2013年进出口总额位居全国第五,出口总额位居全国第三,强有力地带动了浙江省经济快速发展。但取得可喜成绩的同时,无法忽略的是浙江省的外贸发展仍处于粗放型增长阶段,高投入,高能耗,低产出的外贸增长方式大大制约了浙江省外贸的可持续发展。现有的外贸增长已然难以为继,转变外贸增长方式刻不容缓。基于以上考虑,本文从相关理论基础出发,运用动态比较优势理论及战略性贸易政策等经济学理论阐述对外贸易增长方式转型的内涵,然后通过多种分析方法从多个层面和角度对浙江省外贸增长方式进行综合评价,分析浙江省外贸增长方式转型的必要性,并相应提出实现浙江省外贸增长方式转变的政策建议和措施。 关键词:浙江省;外贸增长方式;转型;政策建议 Study on the transformation of the growth mode of foreign trade in Zhejiang Abstract:Since the China’s opening, the foreign trade of Zhejiang province has made great achievements.In 2013,the total import and export volume ranked fifth in the country,and exports ranked third in the country,making a strong impetus to the rapid economic development of Zhejiang province. But with the achievements,what can not be ignored is that the development of foreign trade in Zhejiang province is still in the stage of extensive growth.With high input, high consumption, low output,the growth mode of foreign trade greatly restricts the sustainable development of foreign trade in Zhejiang province. The existing growth mode of foreign trade is unsustainable,which should be transformed immediately. Based on the relevant theoretical basis, this article states the connotation of foreign trade growth mode transformation from the dynamic comparative advantage theory and the strategic trade policy theory,then through a variety of analysis methods makes a comprehensive evaluation from different aspects, and analyzes the necessity of the transformation of the growth mode of foreign trade in Zhejiang province. At last this article puts forward the corresponding policy,suggestions and measures to realize the transformation of the growth mode of foreign trade in Zhejiang province. Key words: Zhejiang province; foreign trade growth pattern; transformation; policy suggestion 一、 引言 (一)研究背景 改革开放以来,浙江省对外贸易取得了巨大成就。从2001年起,进出口总额从328亿增加到3358亿,十年多的时间翻了十番,出口总额从2001年的230亿美元增加到2013年的2487亿美元,实现了外贸数量的迅猛发展。 但是在浙江外贸快速发展的同时,也存在许多体制性和结构性的问题。浙江外贸出口发展速度和效益不同步;货物


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