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4篇英文电影英文观后感 初恋 50 FirstDates What would it feelifI can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year? Lucy in themovie “50 First Dates”told methis feel ing. Every morning when she wokeup, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’s birth day, alsothe date she had the car accident which made her only keep memory before Sunday,so she always felt happy living the same habitaswhat she did on Sunday a year ago withthekind set-up by herfatherandbroth er. After meeting Henry, shecouldonly remember who he was on thesame day.Butafter one night, he became a strangerto her. Shecouldn’teven recognizehe wasthe one she used to date andlove everyday.Henry tried hisbe st togive hera new different meeting every dayso as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Henry made her ta pesevery morningto helpher remember what happened the day before andthe last wholeyear. Lucy thus feltgrat eful withall she had whenshe wokeupeveryday. Onth e sameday,she always had the same deepgratitude tof ace Henrywithher sweet smile. Whata beautiful feeling it isto always feelthanksgiving andtoalways appreciate each other’s effort.A touching storybetween a memory lost woman andadevotedman t aught allof us,normal people, theessence of love. When tw opeople canthankeach other for their devotionevery day like what they did foreach otheronfirst date, love can forever berefreshed andenergetic. On Lucy’s side, p eople with memory will ask formore than yesterdayand become critical of theirpartners day byday, while people with out memorywill feel grateful for their life and the people around themeveryday. In themovie, whenone day Lucy decid


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